Blizzard, Pls resolve leavers

U are big company and u have major bug with leavers, what is on your mind when u do NOTHING with leavers and u punish people that sty in match. U must do something, leaver get same penalty like the one who sty (REALLY ARE U SERIOUS) . Let other in quee continue to play and don`t give them full points give them less then one who is from begining?
Think GOOD about this problem and reslove IT.

Blizzard has very deliberate policies in handling leavers. They take into account both players who leave deliberately (which happens rarely) and players who disconnect or crash unintentionally from the game (which happens more often). All players who leave a match (including those who disconnect or crash) are issued a full match loss with a fixed 50 SR deduction, and will receive a suspension from Competitive Play starting at ten minutes, but can severely increase in duration if the player is leaving multiple competitive matches. It can take as few as 6 games to trigger a Competitive Season Ban which results in the loss of all end-of-season Competitive rewards including bonus Competitive Points and that player is now one step closer to a PERMANENT Competitive Ban. Three season bans on an account triggers a permanent ban.

Blizzard also does not make any adjustments to the SR calculation for all remaining players in a match when there is a leaver. This is a deliberate practice to ensure matchmaking works correctly and does not incentivize bad leaver or toxic behavior. You can learn more about this policy here:


they need to INSTANTE BAN THEM… i alwusygs get levaer every 3 match

Have you ever disconnected from a match? If not, then you don’t know the frustration a player has when they are penalized for something directly out of their own control. I must emphasize there are NO APPEALS for Competitive Penalties.

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Why not replace the leaver with a bot that the team can command around? It’s no replacement for a proper player, but certainly better than 5v6

The current A.I. system typically feeds onto the objective, and its not like we as players want to deal with even more controls to control an A.I. Furthermore, that is not fair to the team without the leaver.

They get a ban (10mins → season ban) and loses 50 SR.

You don’t

There’s already a solution to the problem of leavers in game in other modes - backfill.

iget if a lost, every time 24 . So dont tell me that is right .

People who leave mid game for peronal reasons or ragequiting are really rare. Usualy its people who just had connection problems.

So then let the Blizzard resolve that and let them rejoin

What do you mean? If you disconnect, you can join back into the game in the moment when your internet is back again.

and they get 50 for each leave.

Hahahaahahahah i know, why i get 24 for playing???
And dont give me that shi… they get 50 cose its not right they ruin the whole game leaving the game. So pls Blizzard u BIG company reslove it

even without the SR penalty, and if only a time penalty was implemented; Leavers have a positive effect on other people’s SR who have perfect attendance.

I am sry, i am sooo angry now cose i played last 5 games and every time they leave 1 or 2 leavers, and every time i lost and i am now soooo low cose of them . I mean… why ?
Its not my fault , not the team fault we played very good and then :frowning:

yes, i’ve lost 3 games from disconnections, but the reality is i’ve also performed tests on their leave policy and basically there is no punishment unless you’re leaving 3 games a week or something. you can easily leave multiple games each week as long as you play other games in between, so players just leave when they feel like it can save time.

Blizzard refuses to do anything about leavers, so i’ve changed my policy and always leave the game if i have anything else i could be doing and the game looks lost. Oh, friend called me and wants to go somewhere. heh, this doesn’t look winnable, guess i’ll leave early. Bam…gone…no punishment…oh, mom wants me to call the cleaners and get the house cleaned friday? high-priority business call, must leave. Time to save some time out of my life in this game that has no real punishments for leavers. Oh no, i lost double SR on an alt, except that being down that much means it’s likely i’ll win the next game, so tops 20min to recover my SR and i saved 10min to begin with. No IP lock, so I can just go play on another account while that game is ending too and not lose anything.

However, i’ll admit that part of the problem is that smurfs can easily boost themselves back up to a higher SR if they lose, so they have no motivation to not leave games they consider over if they have something they would rather be doing.