Blizzard please start dealing with the leavers!

never implied this beeing the goal?
all i said is to not expect anything from randoms and play in groups of friends

and that the solution to better ow games is not to stop playing.

just take your L instead of being a pussy

Just report them for gameplay sabotage.

Because that’s what leaving a game is, especially if your role is critical, like tank or support. I get sometimes emergencies happen, or internet disconnects happen, so some leeway should be given to accommodate for when that happens, but if they’ve got a history of leaving games, they should get smacked around by the banhammer.

Blizzard gathers data on everything you do. If you leave a game when something annoys you, it gives them data on that thing so they can consider fixing it.

So if you leave games, its better for the future of Overwatch.

No, you said to play with friends who won’t leave mid game… OP is talking about STRANGERS leaving in the games they play.

So your “solution” probably won’t appease them very much.

My advice was a SOLUTION to living a better life aha not better OW games…

Because if you’re happy IRL then nothing ANYONE does in a video game should ever piss you off as much as OP lol

I’m hoping that all the leavers in game influence Blizzard to bring mmr back to the game like OW1 had. No MMR is the main reason I do not want to play OW2 and a close second being the 5v5 solo tanking.

Same here, what do i care about XP penalties if XP gets me nothing anyway? Bring it on

That’s a lie. All it does is do -75xp. Unless you’re in Comp. That is the only place you get bans.

I am in 100% agreement btw…leavers are ruining the game.

I have a solution suggestion I posted here:

That wouldn’t do much. Because most backfills are games that are basically over. So That just be 1 or 2 minutes of backfills, for 20 leaves.

Yes, but they would be occupying those games…not you or I. If they were guaranteed that the next 20 games they played were leaver games, at some stage I guarantee you they would be as annoyed as you or I would be.

And they would be taking our place finishing those games off…