Blizzard please keep classic comp

Although I like it in theory, I have been reminded how little most people pay attention to their own comp, to the enemy comp, to who is on what…

It sure opens up potential for comps but boy oh boy do people not like to think about it before picking.

2-2-2 adds structure and responsibility. I don’t think 2-2-2 had a downside besides not being able to swap… I get either way there can be throwers who you will then need to take over for their responsibilities but at the same time open que adds a whole new set of childish irresponsibility to be had.


Then don’t play it. Nobody is forcing you.


Had half the games decided before the doors opened (about a 50-50 split honestly on who got hosed). Had multiple games where one team would sabotage their own comp after the first or second fight because it didn’t go their way as though no one ever comes back from losing the first fight. In all the rest, even when the comps were viable, I could tell without even checking profiles that the system had people at my SR that did not belong their, and in roles that they did not belong in.

The games highlighted how much better the current system is. Your tank player is a tank player at that level and not some Diamond DPS playing tank at a gold level. I think 1 game reached the dizzying heights of a below average 2/2/2 game. It was not a close game, but at least was less of a stomp than all the others.

Nice input

I hadn’t thought of that


(jk, I had thought of that and was sharing an opinion on it. Don’t bother hitting enter next time you type something like that out).


I don’t think it should be kept just out of virtue of being there

If it has a tangible benefit, then sure (by which I pretty much just mean reducing DPS queue times in QP and Comp)

I didn’t know if you had, you’re talking about it as if you HAVE to play it.


Thank you but no, I’m aware that it is not primary comp.

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Then keep that in mind when critiquing the mode, you can get around all those issues you have by just not playing the mode. Let those who enjoy the mode have it there for themselves.


When losing in 2-2-2: I do my part, therefore I will blame the other class.
When losing in classic: It’s not working, I should switch.


And why not? Why is having it there just so people can enjoy it a bad thing? the system is already in place, the devs won’t have to do any extra coding to make it so it’s not taking up resources. So whats the issue with it being there just for people who like it?


Pretty much how it works


I had that fully in mind. I don’t see why that has to have an effect on critiquing something though. It isn’t like the critique was incorrect.

I can see you enjoy it, that’s fine, I am not saying I dislike it. I’m still going to discuss it…

Are you trying to tell people not to have an opinion on it, if it is predominantly a negative one ? I don’t understand the meaning of your interjection.

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Because it takes up space that could be dedicated to other modes?

Then move it out of the arcade slot.


Because your opinion is extremely easy to counter, you don’t like the mode but tons of people do, so why should we remove the mode that you don’t like when you don’t even have to play it? I don’t see why the mode has to be inaccessible to people who like it just because you don’t.

I don’t really think Blizzard should endorse an unofficial mode like this. There’s not any real reason IMO that Open Comp deserves special treatment over, for example, Mystery Heroes. If Open Comp shows a tangible improvement for the game, then sure, but like I said, just keeping it around to keep it around seems silly

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Why? Theres no reasonable reason to remove it. It’s already there just leave it. If you don’t want it to take up game slots then make every arcade mode permanent.

because Mystery heroes is a genuine arcade mode, it’s there to be silly. Open Comp is a competitive mode.

Should we remove every mode that doesn’t do this? Custom games don’t provide any real improvement they’re just there to mess around in. None of the arcade modes provide anything, they’re just there to mess around in. The only modes that have a “tangible improvement” by your definition is experimental, which allows the devs to collect feedback for future developmental changes and competitive which allows them to see how the balance and players do in a serious setting.

Unofficial? it was released by Blizzard themselves. An unofficial mode would be anything you see in the custom games, should those be removed?


The whole topic is about Blizzard keeping this mode permanent because the state of current RQ is unplayable due to reasons stated in OP, I wouldn’t mind if they keep it in arcade or have its own card shown in ‘Play’ section as long as they keep it, it’s their choice where they will put it, also it’s not like everyone is hyped to play every mode in arcade, as far as I know they change every week anyways.


There is a reasonable reason to remove it–so it can cycle with other Arcade mode like every single mode except QPC does.

So is Deathmatch Comp and CTF Comp. Why not give those special treatment?

We should cycle them, which we currently do…

BTW, I’m not sure where you got this “by your definition” stuff, considering I gave my definition as to what “tangible benefit” means above. That’s queue times, and it was specifically in reference to Arcade modes.

Unofficial in the sense that it’s not one of the endorsed core modes. If you’d prefer a different term, go ahead, but I think it’s fairly clear what I mean. It’s not RoleQ QP or Comp.

I didn’t ask to remove it.

ADD: I also said I didn’t dislike it. It’s alright, I’m not here to be the bad guy forum monster. Just critique and explaining the problems with it that people should remember were removed by adding 2-2-2, that’s all.

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