Please Fix The Game

Let’s hope they step things up next year, and show something awesome at blizzcon.

This was a very boring year lore wise for Overwatch, and content wise was only decent.

Let’s step it up😀

You knwo how long hitreg has bug?

No they’re not. OWL is just your scapegoat.

I can’t read that every well.

oh sorry my english not good

It says “please read!”

If you really think about it, how often has Blizzard given us the patch we’ve wanted? Roadhog’s hook is still buggy, Hanzo has yet to get a nerf, McCree’s ult still hasn’t been fixed.

If anything, they look at the statistics of Masters+ or OWL, which is why they nerfed Mercy and Buffed Sombra

Don’t worry, it will get better over time.

“We’ve” to me is referring to the people on the forums.
Sure, they do need to fix the hook.
Hanzo doesn’t need a nerf.
Idk how to fix Mccree’s ultimate.

I thought everybody said Sombra got nerfed or that it wasn’t a good rework.
Mercy is now balanced.

Why is this coment everywher.
Can we just stop with this?
Ther is no point balancing around some plat plebs.

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The thing I don’t understand how or why players claim a hero can’t be played well at a certain rank :thinking:

People, i want show one of the problems like hitreg
A perfect balance will never be

They could use polls and stuff like that. Because I think we can all agree most of the character changes we’ve seen in this game ended up pretty worse than before. So letting only Blizzard judge what’s better is simply not trustable anymore, imo.

60 tick servers in a nutshell.

Zenyatta, Lucio, Ana, D.Va, Winston, Doomfist, and several others would like to have a word with you.

The universe doesn’t revolve around Mercy.

Besides that, I can name several balance decisions that came at the behest of players.

And Blizzard has a private discord channel with Pros that they use to make balance decisions.


I think it got better.

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I never said I was talking only about Mercy. Ana is specially included in this. Glad she is coming back.

I know. Do we need more proof of how ridiculous their decision-making is?

You could literally just have a poll on the front page, when you launch the game. That is about as reliable as it gets. Obviously if they are not interested, they could just opt out. But everyone interested could put their voice forth and they would have an idea on what people generally believe without the pressure of others influencing their opinion.

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Thank you.
This would be great.

Do you know how ridiculous our decision making is?

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