Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

Devs aren’t blind.

I think it’s more of them deliberately refusing to acknowledge discussions on the subject.

Because they don’t want to set the precedent that they can be petitioned/nagged to do something they don’t want to.

Which to me, is a failure on Mercy’s posters part that they don’t realize petitions aren’t that persuasive. Especially when they turn in a negative emotional direction.


Funny that though, because it was certain Streamers (I don’t want to get a Ban Hammer, so I can’t mention which streamers) who petitioned them to first Rework Mercy, then Nerf her to her current state. You want to see something REALLY funny?
Look up streamer’s reactions to Mercy getting the 60 healing Buff (revert from Nerf to 50, then back up to 60 in Valkyrie). Trust me, this part of Jeff’s comments is very true for those streamers:
Jeff-- Where they are not gonna be happy until she is either the best or the worst hero.


Would it be fair to say, a lot of Mercy posters don’t wasn’t Mercy to have any weaknesses relative to other healers.

Even though other healers have weaknesses?

This cracked me up for some reason lol

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It’s even worse because Emongg’s name is Jeff, too.

Too many Jeoffs at Blizzard.


How do you know that the Devs use their “Developer Profile” to read those posts? I can imagine they are on non-special profiles most of the time.


Most Mercy players want Mercy to be BALANCED. Rez on “E” cannot be balanced (Even the Pros said so after the Rework) without it being very punishing to Mercy:

  1. 1.75 second Rez cast time (where Mercy cannot cancel animation, heal, damage boost, defend herself)
  2. Slow on Rez

This makes Mercy “Sniper Bait” and easy pickings.

Many (not all) would like to go back to Mercy 1.0, which would be easier to balance with the following:

  1. 1 second cast time for MASS Rez (yeah, an this is what many people {certain Streamers} don’t like, an why there is such hate)
  2. LOS for Rez (meaning no Rez through walls)
  3. Damage Reduction INSTEAD of Invulnerability during and after casting.
  4. An actual “E” ability, like a cleanse or something like a mini Valkyrie to escape.

Those are what many want to see, bring back Mercy’s HERO Moment that was unfairly taken away when the Rework occurred. An you will note there are other things to allow counters. I left out “Rez from Spawn” and “SR Exploit” because BOTH of those were removed 1 week before the Rework went Live. The new Cast Time AND No SR Exploit would curb, if not totally delete the “Hide and Rez” strategy, which 9 chances out of 10 failed miserably anyway.

But one thing Most Mercy players would agree with, Ana should have been fixed over a year ago, and all healers should be on par with each other. The way Mercy is right now, after 15 Nerfs, she does less healing than Lucio or Zenyatta an that isn’t good for a Hero that used to be a Main Healer.


Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, meet half way, and say they do listen to feedback… but it just goes in one ear and out the other.


Here’s an analogy I spent too long writing up because I’m bored and I have no life:

Imagine Blizzard as a tyrannical king. They have all the power, and can do whatever they want in their kingdom. Some kingdoms are ruled by power-hungry despots who only want wealth and riches (cough EA cough). Other kingdoms are ruled more moderately. These kings at least attempt to please their subjects (me and you, baby) and consider their thoughts, opinions, and desires. Peasants can cry out in the public square (you are here) and complain about whatever issues or grave injustices they consider important, but it is the king who determines and delivers the ultimate sentence.

As others have mentioned, there are members of the community who seem to have the king’s ear more than others. These are the streamers, professional players, and high level coaches/analysts. Think of these people as the inner circle. The king’s council. Their opinions are given more consideration, but once again it is the king who has the last word.

Finally, you have the plebs. The serfs. The peasants. The rabble. That’s us (sorry). For the most part, we have an alright life. We get access to the king’s land (Overwatch), and all that’s asked of us is that we pay a tax (you can’t pirate Overwatch, sorry). We don’t elect our rulers, and things don’t always seem fair, but we can still cry out in the public square when things get bad. But hey, the king doesn’t really care about some dirty peasants screeching in the square! At least, until things get really bad. When that happens, the plebs turn their ploughshares into swords and storm the castle. At that point, the king is given one last chance to hear the plebs and bend to their will. If they don’t, well… it doesn’t look good for the king, because even though the king holds all the riches and rules with an iron fist, they’re nothing without us dirty, stinky, hardstuck bronze plebs.

The moral of the story is that while we might just be plebs, I think King Jeff rules over the Overwatch kingdom benevolently enough. We don’t need pitchforks just yet, but hey… they’re always there. Waiting. Ready. Maybe if the Prophecy of D’ablo comes to pass, we will need to take them out and storm the castle… but for now, I’m content working the fields and imagining what life in silver might be like.

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Correction: There ‘used to be’ a way to check their post read counts. All Overwatch Developers now have their forum accounts set so that you can not check that. This change apparently happened after some Mercy main went on a rampage after doing a posts read compared to thread size of the Mercy megathread and realized the constant nerfs were happening without reading the thread fully.

Now days the only resource still available is to see how long it has been since the various developers last logged in, and how long since last posted. I copy and pasted the list for everyone. Please note that just because someone has not logged in does make them lazy. They may have different roles in the game development, or they may use an alternate account or simply lurk while not logged in.

As of tonight here is the list from oldest to most recently active. If a dev has only one timestamp it means they have never posted a single time on the new forums. Two timestamps has the last posted time on the left and the last login on the right.

Overwatch Developer
Mar 14 Mar 24

Overwatch Developer
May 15

AndrewBoyd Andrew Boyd
Overwatch Developer
May 30

PhilipOrwig Philip Orwig
Overwatch Developer
Mar 20 Jun 25

Overwatch Developer
May 21 Jun 28

CoreZero Phil Teschner
Overwatch Developer
Jul 5

ScottLawlor Scott Lawlor
Overwatch Developer
Aug 30

Overwatch Developer
Aug 31 Aug 31

Overwatch Developer
Sep 21 Oct 23

JeffreyKaplan Jeff Kaplan
Overwatch Developer
4 days 4 days

Overwatch Developer
Oct 30 1 day

BruceWilkie Bruce Wilkie
Overwatch Developer
Oct 23 11 hours

RomainDijoux Romain Dijoux
Overwatch Developer
10 hrs 7 hrs

Due to the changes making their profiles all private we will never again know if they are really reading feedback or not personally. But at least we will know if they have at least one developer logging in each day.

Nice analogy. Unfortunately some people who have the ear of King Jeff have such hatred of some of the heroes that those Heroes get constant Nerfs (Mercy @ 15 and counting, an still not balanced) or unnecessary Reworks (Symmetra 3.0, Torbjorn, etc.). But as we saw with the Diablo fiasco, they really should look at their target audience.

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So to go the LotR route, you think that we got a Wormtongue/Theoden situation on our hands?

Sounds like we need to find us a Gandalf…

It’s not just Mercy. People have been asking for a real matchmaking system that actually, you know, WORKS, for almost three years.

Yep, that too. An a Competitive SR Hard Reset instead of the Soft Reset we have now. And Ana being viable (which after over a year happened, finally). An lest we forget about the poor Bastion players, etc. etc. etc.

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Oh…and for the game to remember I want to use full-screen mode, not windowed.


I think there are some pretty solid reasons why this would be a bad idea. What do you see this accomplishing?

I’ve never had this issue, and I switch from windowed (borderless) and fullscreen pretty frequently. Is it a chronic thing, or does it happen infrequently?

It happens every 2nd or 3rd time I boot the game.

In the words of Hannibal Buress:

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Why should the small minority of people complaining about Mercy on the forums have as big of an impact as they think they should. A small amount of people use these forums and a small amount want mercy changes