Blizzard Moved Many Hearts|BLM Response

November 3rd. I’m voting like my life depends on it, because it does.

I think currently his chances are a little less than a coin-flip, maybe 45%-55%. However, I don’t think that he will concede if he does lose, and since he seems to believe that he has the unwavering support of the military and police departments I think it is possible that he will attempt to suspend the constitution and install himself at the head of a junta in order to retain power.


I hope it does not go that way.

The way we’re currently going does not only look like it would be a threat to the US itself, might pose issues for other countries too.

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When does this group plan on hitting up the inner city gangs and addressing the rampant black on black homicides?

Yes. Because of gerrymandering, the electoral college, and the way votes are counted. All of which reinforce that only two parties can be viable, and that Republican votes count more.

A liberal candidate has to have a very energized base to win, it is not enough to win the popular vote.


I hate politics. Wish we as humans didn’t need them.

I agree.

Though humans can be so unreasonable sadly enough.
Putting emotions over reason, can be quite an issue.

Knowing we used to live without politics is surprising, though then again life was much different and less comfortable.

I never went in-depth with politics, i barely know anything about it and i barely understand anything. Though when will this clown fiesta all end? Who will put a stop to this?

I think a lot of people who don’t live here in the 'States don’t realize just how stacked the deck is in favor of the Republican party.

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Really? Would you care to elaborate on this? Perhaps give some examples.

Oh and another thing I worry about is that Covid may end up helping him win, which is why he’s so against mail-in ballots.

Of voters (young folks largely don’t vote), it’s the liberal base more likely to stay at home than the Republicans. On top of that Covid has hit black communities harder, and I’m afraid that may impact our willingness to turn and vote. I know i had to jump on some family members because they said they don’t know if they’ll vote, and 8 people connected to my family have died of Covid.

So we’ll see.

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You’ll need to make sure they do vote, and make others vote too.

They all play an important role.

Honestly it surprises me that it would help him win, knowing he’s the main cause why there have been so many cases in the US.
With that it should actually encourage everyone to not vote for the current one and encourage the ones that don’t want to vote to prevent such scenario from happening again correct?

Sure. Republican party officials have been gerrymandering districts in numbers since the late 1970’s. Some of the most extreme members of the party, Jim Jordan, Dan Crenshaw, Matt Gaetz, etc, are actually from many of those districts.

What the gerrymandering does is it splits districts to maximize the impact of your likely voters, while minimizing that of other likely voters. And they do this all while crying about election fraud. The only election fraud that they find are in places like Georgia or North Carolina, where Republican party officials self-deal on elections. That’s how Kemp got in office.

There’s lots of other examples too. I’m sure you can dig those up.

Holy cow. That’s hard. I’m sorry to hear it.

I hope that’s what ends up happening, but it could easily go the other way around because of the people most likely to stay home for their safety.

The youth are certainly energized against him and are out protesting, but they’ve traditionally been a very weak voting bloc because they don’t vote.

Voter suppression is also a very real thing that targets a voterbase more likely to vote for Biden. I’ve seen some OBSCENE lines. I’ve seen doors to voting places inexplicably locked on people when it’s against the law.


As an outsider looking in it even appears that way over here and it’s baffling to watch. Surely Biden couldn’t have been the best the Democrats could have gone with? Am I just missing something?

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He’s definitely not. However, the arguable BEST candidate is very old and very divisive, and the cards were stacked very hard against him.

It was a lot harder on my aunties and uncles. I only knew 1 of the deceased.

My uncle was friends with the group of black Detroit police officers who died, my great-grandmother’s cousin son died of it, my aunt died of it, and a couple other family friends.

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It sounds like Covid has really hit your family hard, and my like is one of sympathy, not because I am happy to read what you posted.

Yes. It has. And thank you.

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And that’s another card in the deck – make it really hard for the people who tend not to vote for you to actually cast their ballots.