Blizzard Moved Many Hearts|BLM Response

I was overjoyed when lead game director Ion Hazzikostas over World of Warcraft ended a nationally accessible livestream by saying Black Lives Matter. Such positive heroism is the world Winston inspires in me all the time with acts and words like: “Never accept the world as it appears to be, but dare to see what it could be.”

To hardworking game developers trying to do the right thing, the positive response you’re receiving is because what you said was a non polarizing statement now holding more numbers than the total sum of any one political party in America. It’s only been called controversial by the people leaving comments while the humanitarians are voting.

On behalf of customization changes being made like brown gnomes, humans, dwarfs, blood elves and hopefully night elves too, many Overwatch customers would like to say:

:peace_symbol: THANK YOU BLIZZARD!


It nice that they are recognizing this problem

(Also prepare for OP to get flagged and someone to say “I don’t want politics in my games” Which btw this isnt politics)


They should stay impartial. Say no to racism.

Do not align yourself with a far left radical movement who want to abolish the police. Has no one learnt anything


How is it heroic to support a view which is currently completely mainstream and supported by almost every big corporation?


Here here.

Also now everyone is back tracking knowing blm motives. But how can u retract your support?


He should have said life matters - but that would include everyone and thus be “controversial” I guess.


That is a heck of a statement my friend. I don’t think it’s a good idea to attribute those words as if they are inherent…


I’d rather abolish the police and reform the entire criminal justice system, thanks.

Cops shouldn’t be the immediate response to issues that they’re not trained to partake in, namely issues of mental health. They should be there to protect actual trained officials who know how to handle an issue, not point a gun at the biggest person on the scene.


It is very political in that in order for change to occur we have to influence politicians to do so. Everything about the subject is currently politics.


I mean that’s not really brave. That’s just par for the course. Like you said they were very non polarizing/non-controversial. If they said BLM in 2014 that would have been brave. Right now it’s just good business.


Honestly its good to see it spreading. Like in the latest F1 race the pilots kneeled before the race started and on the podium they held a BLM shirt. Not to mention the Mercedes using an all black livery during the whole session.

I still have a little problem with only highlighting black. Not because of racism but because what if something similar happens with another minority then changing it to yellow, white or copper would only result in more controversy because they changed it from black.

Unfortunately, everything in the last decade has become politicized. Some might say it was an inevitability of the 2 party system, but I’m not buying it when “Wearing a mask during a worldwide pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands in America alone.” becomes a political issue.

These are both extremely ignorant, and part of the problem.


The BLM movement is both shortsighted and has been Shanghai’d by the far left, namely antifa.

You need to change the way the courts work, judges and especially DAs need to be looked at. Work from top down. Change the punishments for laws broken, particularly in relation to MJ. I personally hate the stuff but kids are having their lives ruined in the name of showing them a better way to live.

There are many other issues with our court system that must be fixed as well. Probation, particularly the heavy fees assigned with it, and for profit prisons must go.

To try and change the police before this is shortsighted.

In regards to the police, they actually need MORE funding. They need more time off away from the job to decompress. They need to be trained in simultaneous similar to how to military run them and they need to do them over and over again. Also, police should be required to have training in jujitsu to learn how to properly ho lb d a choke, by frequently being choked and choking others in training.

Now. My post has been long, so thank you for reading my opinions. I’m going to look leave one last opinion that is going to be very unpopular to some.

I dont care one bit about the black lives matter movement when an eight year old girl can be shot and killed walking down the street holding her father’s hand and NO ONE SAYS A THING. This is a weekend thing in Chicago, it happens all the time.

Maybe its very farfetched to say by an european but what if instead of changing how police and court works just remove weaponization instead and watching if the effects will be for the better? I mean by letting even minors to be trained to use firearms its no wonder that there are shootings in public places like schools.

Chicago has the tightest gun control laws in the country.

There are black on black shootings numbering in the high dozens almost every weekend.

Gun control is not the answer.


Ignorant are those that go from one extreme into the other, never embracing true equality.

Remember the 800 employees that Activision fired?

Hong Kong.

These are the OverWatch forums, not WoW.

It’s just a PR stunt. All of it.

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If anything, that’s one of the major problems.

Police shouldn’t be trained as Soldiers.
And they shouldn’t be given millions of dollars of military hardware hand-me-downs.

Since the problem is excessive force.



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The problem is, it needs to stop. people tend generalize easily. It’s one thing to protest and rally against a justice system that clearly does not work properly, and a whole different thing to make it all about race once again. Don’t people see that this is a cycle of hate feeding itself ?