Blizzard isnt ruining the game, the community is

Putting resources into esport while completely neglecting the game is not ok.

Idk about you buy I payed to play a good game, not to watch a mediocre esport.

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the community isn’t a single hero that countered an entire comp.

the community didn’t bring the game to it’s knees for another year just 1 season after Mercy had the game on it’s knees.

the community isn’t the stupid amount of mitigation, damage and healing so many tank and support heroes are capable of providing.

so i have to disagree.

Couldn’t agree more, but you are forgetting that they are also the ones who complain endlessly over every single hero in the game which leads to nerfs and buffs to every hero which will also make the community complain.

See the above post for example lol

You are incorrect. Overwatch BY DESIGN encourages and amplifies toxicity; we have discussed this preciously in several threads. in brief:

  • hero counter design creates frustration
  • slow to non-existent balancing (brig, moth meta, goats, etc.)
  • forced and mediocre esport
  • no private servers/communities lumping all players together
  • too team focused in a random queue system

Any 2 or 3 of these factors will give you a poisonous playerbase and we’ve got ALL OF THOSE and smurfs too. Blizzard is almost wholly responsible for the state of the playerbase who plays the game with the systems THEY designed.

I’ve said it before and i’m sure I will say it again: Bliz has no handle on the human condition and does not consider it when designing their games. This is becoming more and more apparent.

No it doesn’t.
~700 Junkrat One Trick

So, what’s stopping the community form changing the matchmaking system?
Oh, the community don’t have access to that.

I dont really understand the point of this thread.

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That’s kinda like saying criminals make ghettos.

I’m guessing you skipped sociology.

lmao the game would probably be actually good if they were designing it for esport

My man, you may need to play closer attention.

Pick and ban is coming to ranked next season.

I only agree with this because the changes the pros are suggesting are good for the game; just like in Overwatch. If you have an issue with the Overwatch pros’ inputs then you’d probably hate Pengu just as much, if not more. He’s incredibly arrogant and big headed and always demands changes and (unlike a particular OW pro that Mercy mains are upset with), Pengu actually impacted them. He’s arrogant because he’s the best, and what he proposes, like I said, is good for the game. But a lot of people strongly dislike him for it, or disagree with his suggestions.

While Blizzard can’t completely control the community, it should have systems in place to monitor and improve the relationships within the community from the beginning.

The reporting and endorsement system should have been in place at launch. A guild/clan system should also be in place. These things encourages players to bond together.

Instead, Overwatch felt like an island with a single boat. When you want to connect with someone, that boat will take you to another island with 11 other players but after playing with the 11 other players, you’re forced to go back to your island.

On launch, OW should have had a robust reporting system; endorsements with meaningful rewards; and a clan/guild system. This would have reduced toxicity greatly from the beginning, in my opinion.

Now they have to deal with damage control, instead of a preemptive solution.

Lots of people I know stopped playing because of the toxicity, something must be seriously wrong with the community.

Activision forces Blizzard to make an Esport from a freshly published game. Is this the communities fault?

The automated report system prioritizes quantity over quality. Is this the communities fault that Blizzard cant handle false reports or to make a report checking system?

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I’ve met lots of wonderful people and made new friends in the community. Everyone’s experience is different. I don’t see anything ‘seriously wrong with the community’

I come across the toxicity, but I focus on the good in everyone.

And besides, people aren’t being toxic for the sake of toxicity. They are just trying to win, and they think they know the right course of action to win.

Keep an open mind and try to accept that everyone’s behaviour stems from misunderstanding, not toxicity. Sure, it can lead to toxicity but that isn’t the source. Mostly, its just frustration from losing.

Some of the community toxicity could be reduced with better game mechanics, I.E Endorsements apparently helped.

More player options would help, map avoid, more player avoid slots, role queue modes etc

Having everyone play the game in their restricted manner creates some toxicity which would be resolved with a bit of freedom. (The workshop is a sub game, I just mean QP and Comp)

blizzard keeps triggering the community and then blames it

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I’m kind of getting tired of reading the same responses from other people just in different words so im keeping this ignored, a good few of these comments sound more like toxicity than actually being professional honestly. I know a few people disagree and I get that but please be professional otherwise Im keeping this ignored and salty comments wont mean squat. Thanks!

Overwatch isnt dead but it’s definitely well past it’s prime


Yet, the community complained to hell about that hero making them useless outside of a certain comp. People still complain about said hero.

The community complained about mass rez cause ‘muh skill’ and how hide and rez was not how you’re supposed to play her and she got a rework many Mercy mains didn’t want.

While Blizzard over buffs or nerfs things, this community like above does have a hand it. Look at Zarya, people want her nerfed over her damage but put her on dive and her damage is non existent.

No it wouldn’t. You can’t fix people toxicity.

A defeatist attitude, to say it wouldn’t without trying, how do you know?