Blizzard isnt ruining the game, the community is

I know im going to get alot of hate comments for this but blizzard isnt ruining the game, the community is and I will explain why.

Blizzard has leaned Overwatch into an esports kind of game now but thats alright because games like Siege, CSGO, etc. do this kind of thing as well, if thats not your cup of tea then you dont have to keep playing overwatch, nobody is forcing you to.

Secondly, the reason overwatch is getting hate is because of toxicity which is a community controlled thing and it has nothing to do with blizzard.

Lastly I just want to say that I know blizzard isnt perfect, they have made a good amount of mistakes but if the community is just going to react by being toxic and tilting then really its not blizzards fault on the competitive side of things, just act like a good sport, work with your team, and be positive even when the times are tough. :slight_smile:


Well as someone who played siege since the Alpha … Ubisoft never forced esports … or decided to spend all resources on it instead of providing content. It grew naturally, they are working very close with pro players together when it comes to new maps … they implemented hero bans in pro play instead of ruining the gameplay for low elo people. Pros in siege are not that arrogant and dont try to break the game 24/7 because they know that they need their fans to support them and the Game.


Plot Twist: Nobody is ruining the game, and despite its weaknesses Overwatch is doing far better than forum complainers say it is.


Expected response but you dont see the bigger picture, its a team game and the community doesnt make it seem like it is a team game

Um… It is their fault for not fixing the report system. The community cannot fix the toxicity, Blizzard can. And yes, asking people to leave will totally help the game. Rofl. I can’t even.


The reporting system does do something, Ive reported many people and they got banned. Unlike most games, Overwatch tells you if your report went through and if there was a good result out of it aka getting banned

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while Ubisoft shows the ban to everyone who is playing the game … ok.

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That does not make it good. There are plenty of issues with it even if people are suspended on occasion. If it worked, you would not be complaining about about toxicity. Let’s just put it that way.

If we used it more toxicity wouldnt exist, its just a fact, you dont have to agree with me but I just felt the need to tell you.

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No, I have a feeling you have no idea how they system works. It only catches the most egregiously toxic players and off meta picks. That is a problem. But whatever, you can keep pretending that the community could change the game in the same way Blizzard could.


That would be a nice feature to add but i dont think everyone wants to see “insert person name here has been banned by blizzard” but who knows maybe it will be a nice feature especially if the person getting banned has a funny name :laughing:

yeah, it bans people because players didn’t like the hero they picked. such a wonderful system that it can ban players who haven’t even broken any rules XD


it’s just funny because people claim showing bans will cause more toxicity while it does not in r6… also chinese or korean blizzard does post the battletags of banned people on their forums.

That’s not how that works anymore, that was a long time ago that it was a big issue, I haven’t heard since of blizzard banning people because they played Torb on attack or symmetra on attack or whatever.

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It’s dropped a bit but, it still does appear to be happening off and on. Some of the individuals have started streaming to make ban appeals easier.

After like 8 bans for "Gameplay Disruption" the only one to get overturned is after I started streaming and have VODs : SymmetraMains

I really wish that the developers would make Sym and Torb’s stats public.

I think most of the player base is still underestimating them which in turn is leading to harassment.

Blizzard’s actions come across as unfair which can lead to players having less respect for them.

You’ll notice in the thread I’ve linked that one of the commenters has begun selling accounts once they get banned to people that wanted higher SR accounts. When you create and environment where people don’t respect either the other players or the developers that’s the type of thing that happens. The players that buy the accounts likely cannot hold the SR and will ruin games till they fall to their skill level.

Many people’s behavior is significantly impacted by their environment. Yes, some people will always be good and some will always be bad but, most fall somewhere in between. Back in the day I played a game called Combat Arms. It had issues with it’s anti-cheat and had a hack that allowed players to see through walls. I played with a group of around 20-30 people that played another game on the same server. At the start, you had maybe 1 or 2 people that tried the hack once or twice they were the type of individual that would cheat when they could get away with it. As the hack became more common with other players you gradually had more and more of the group using it and by the end you had some people cheating you would not have suspected. Not everyone cheated of course but, it got rather close to 50%.

If Overwatch had been designed with effort towards enforcement the toxicity problems would likely have never gotten as bad as it did.

In case you aren’t familiar with it back a while you had an individual manage to get 2,247 reports and ended up with a week ban until they hit a significant out cry.

Some of the staff have history of toxic behavior which may have created a significant blindspot and helped produce the toxicity issues.

Blizzard marketed Overwatch as a variety of different things that the post launch changes have failed to deliver on due to a shift in priorities. That’s not okay when your game is making billions.



blizzard is destroying the game


I agree with this 100%


I have a good amount to say but I don’t really feel like typing everything into tiny detail so ill just keep it brief.

When I first started playing overwatch, it was honestly the best video game I’ve ever played, I started leaning towards the competitive scene and I noticed how toxic it became, I noticed more and more toxicity daily to the point where I found almost every game to feel toxic and that’s where I started putting the blame towards the community rather than blizzard.

I felt as no matter what blizzard tried to do that there was still massive amounts of toxicity and now I guess if I think about it, blizzard seems to be adding these methods as a way to stop toxicity for a good week and then it goes back to normal again.

However I still feel as blizzard cannot be blamed for everything, this community isn’t perfect but blizzard isn’t really in the right either, I know im debunking everything I just said making the post but really there are things the community can be blamed for and stuff that blizzard can be blamed for, in my opinion, the competitive scene is both of our faults. That can change though if Blizzard and this community wakes up from this jaded mindset that we are in.

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If it can do that, isnt it powerful enough to ban all toxic people too? Majority will still hate them.
Or is this some kind of selective strongness?

lol at you complaining about toxicity when telling people “if that’s not your cup of tea you don’t have to keep playing”

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