Blizzard isnt ruining the game, the community is

Some people say it’s not alright because esports bring the game the most money, therefore most decisions about the future of the game, and where to put development costs/ spend time, go towards supporting esports at the expense of a story mode, more cinematics and lore, more events, etc

It’s a lot more complicated than that. People don’t get banned who deserve it if just 1 person reports them, but only unless a majority of the match reports them, smurfs…smurfs everywhere ruining the experience for less skilled players. Infinite accounts on console (just make a new system profile) therefore toxicity really doesn’t have as much consequence and people act however they want,

throwers and leavers in comp games are so much more prevalent in OW than other competitive games for some reason, just a lot of things that give the game a bad reputation among some people for being a toxic environment

Be careful not to call forum posts asking for things or suggesting things as ‘toxic’. I think it is 100% justified to ask where devs have been, why we constantly feel like we have absentee parents and no community manager, compared to other multiplayer game communities, why the new content dripfeed is so slow and the balance updates are glacial in comparison to other multiplayer games…

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Part of the problem is that everything Blizzard does elicits complaining.

  • Not enough lore? Complaining.
  • D.Va gets lore? Complaining.
  • Soldier comes out? Massive complaining.
  • Brig? Lord, where do we even begin.
  • Brig gets repeatedly nerfed? Complaining.

And so on and so forth and yadda yadda yadda. No wonder the devs rarely post here.

I was talking about the game being an esports game, I felt like you legit just read one line that stuck out to you and took it out of context


We magically created Brigitte and ignore all the feedback.

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I pretty much realized how ignorant the community can be sometimes.

“Sombra doesn’t need buffs, she’s just UP and no one knows how to play her!”
“We want something different than GOATS! There’s no DPS that are viable or played in OWL!”

That’s what’s made it clear to me. People would rather complain about things, even when there is zero justification to how they feel about her outside of, “she annoys me”, instead of actually trying to understand and work around it.

community in a nutshell

Sure they can, it’s called not being a toxic moron. Blizzard can only do so much but the community needs to fix itself.


Finally, someone who actually isn’t a manchild complaining about the game, im sorry people but if you guys are saying that this community can’t actually fix itself then I don’t know how long this game will last well take it from this man right here, someone who wants a change in how we view the game.

Both are ruining the game. Blizzard with its inconsistent updates with meaningful content and the community with just how toxic it can be. Can’t just blame one when both are at fault.

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I put another reply with a much more reasonable description, it was with the reply with Chess

Well, you could say that to PC, wich i do agree with.

But on console is constatly:
30min queue on COMP to pair masters with bronzes. ALSO smurfing is a must on console.
Full dps non sense fest on QP (coming along with toxicity and KYS messages)
Arcade games have 1h+ queues and sometimes you don’t even find a match.

Saying that a game that has 10min+ queue time is non sense, but when HALO REACH(GAME FROM 2010) has a faster queue time than a ~3yo game, i MUST say that OW is pretty much dead on console.


Pretty sure the communtiy doesn’t have the means to balance the game.

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The difference is that those esports developed naturally instead of forcing it right into our mouths. Its why their games are a lot more better and balanced (arguably).

Nearly everyone I’ve talked to or seen on the internet has quit Overwatch. Any mention of it, and not just condensed areas that preach Blizzard hate. They’ve managed to push their playerbase away but know that whales and shills will stick around because they’ll eat any crap you put on their plate.

And what causes those communities to be toxic? Think about it. Maybe 1/3rd of the roster is “playable” in terms of meta, otherwise you’ll get screeched at if you playing outside of meta. Does that seem remotely fair when you want to play a Bastion but your team yells at you? Its not my fault the hero is poorly designed and hasn’t received attention in…what, months? Years?

And as negative as I’ve been, I agree 100%. Its hard sometimes when you get bad games back to back though.

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Maybe Blizzard should have separate queues for solo and groups. Maybe Blizzard should have phone requirements for competitive play at the least and not just T500. Maybe Blizzard should have separate SRs for each role.

Yet overwatch is totaly differend game.

Yes, but the problem is in how they handle it. There should be some better ways to determine who is too toxic to have option to play this game than report system that can be abused rn.

Like OWL for example :stuck_out_tongue:

Esport situation was forced. Any real game doing it has it form naturally, not throw money and resources at it hoping people will care

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Bad Balancing makes the Game Toxic - 100% Blizzards’ fault

Look how long they let Brigitte untouched. Look how bad they balance the game for us all only cause of the stupid OWL.


I just mean I cannot fix it. You cannot fix it. Nobody here can fix it. Only the toxic players can and most of them will not do it unpunished.

Hah. Brig is nothing. Look at Hog. 10 months to fix him. 10 months. 8 months to fix Sym 3.0’s TP collision. That means they were working on her for quite a while and still didn’t address it. Not to mention poor Reaper took 2.5+ years to get his TP collision fixed.

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