Blizzard is getting sued for discrimination

A woman took her own life over it. Please go somewhere else with your ignorance.


don’t feed the trolls man

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Learn basic empathy.

Read it. If you still don’t care then you’re beyond apathetic. you’re flat out heartless.

A women took her own life over this, and all you care about is some crappy video game that doesn’t even have a release date.


I dont wanna hear that from you.


given the quality of work coming out of actiblizz this isnt surprising. This kind of stuff has likely impacted the games development company wide which is why everything is an absolute dumpster fire now.


When did I ever say that I’m not empathetic for what happened to them? I just don’t see the point in participating in some big drama cycle that won’t impact blizzard at all except for giving them free publicity


How is it not related to LGBT+?

You do realize in order to enforce LGBT rights it involves politics and government right? But my comment was me making a joke about blizzard pretending to care about minorities and such but really not and you all eatting it up with a spoon.

The rainbow icon was not even advertised.

What does that have to do with the situation blizzard is in?

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oh idk… by saying you didn’t care maybe?

the state is suing them. its going to impact blizzard.


Sadly the truth, the best that could happen is that Activision Blizzard actually shakes things up after the incident, they might keep it on the low at first to not raise any further suspicion on the topic.
But as long as the people responsible for the company don’t fly out of the window there’s little to no chance that they are going to change anything in the first place.

Sure shareholders & people buying their property might have a bad taste in their mouth for a while, but that will be likely already forgotten once Ow2 & the next COD release…

They’ll pay out a negligible fine, maybe fire some executives, and then a year from now you’ll be hearing the exact same news story


honestly im just trying to be hopeful.

but sadly, you’re probably right.

im just begging that you’re wrong.

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They literally said they would put pride stuff into the game.

Okay you are just trolling at this point, and considering your post count that isn’t surprising.

Idk how lgbt rights have anything do to with what blizzard has to deal with currently.

Because a streamer asked them. It was not advertised at all.



Frankly, I’m surprised they had the bravery to label it ‘Rainbow’. ‘Block representation of the color spectrum’ would have been much safer.

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They are probably going to go full damage control now I bet.

Expect another hero or character in the OW story to be revealed as part of the LGBTQ+ community in the next month or so.

Also in WoW they will probably do a similar thing.

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How do you guys come up with this nonsense.


Lol…. Gaming community/industry has a very dark side to it. I find it very humorous how surprised everyone is by this.

This is from Alex who now works for Respawn Apex Legends. She used to work at Blizzard and posted this thread:

Alex :wolf: on Twitter: “I left Blizzard after my boss gaslit me so badly my hair started falling out. My profit sharing, which I relied on to make ends meet, was docked due to “underperforming”, and when I went to HR to fight it with proof against his claims, I was told “maybe you are underperforming”” / Twitter


Not surprised after riot and other news about actiblizz surfacing.

Disappointed? Very.