Blizzard is getting sued for discrimination

what do you want me to do, fly over to california and track down and arrest these men myself?

If you can, yeah that’d be nice.


Then go after the individuals who are aware and have the power to deal with it. It’s still a group of individuals and not the company.

Or maybe have some common decency and empathy.


So decency to you is going to a company’s forums to insult them?

I’m talking about the topic of this thread. Actually read what it’s about.


That’s what happens when most of your company consists of straight white men. :roll_eyes:

Oh look, another Nayeon Alt Account :smiley:

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It is okay cause they put a rainbow icon in the game for LGBT+!



How is that connected to LGBTQ?

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Yeah, like I said it’s an off topic drama thread that would’ve been deleted hours ago if it wasn’t bad PR. You’re actually helping blizzard by posting in this thread

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(wringing hands) good…good…

How are we helping blizzard by talking here about this?

That’s just a typical attempt of gaslighting. Nothing new, unfortunately.


This is the same company that made a charity skin for Breast Cancer Awareness,goes to show how these greedy companies don’t truly care.

I hope Activision Blizzard gets what it deserves.


Why would we help blizzard?

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Take your tired apathy someplace else and wait for your OW2 in silence, you sad man.


Just stop giving them attention. Theyre never gonna go away if y’all keep giving them what they want.

Just read over some of the law suit and holy smokes. If this stuff is true that’s really awful :sob:.


Yes, they have been in the culture when gaming first started out, i’m not an expert in gaming culture at that time. However, in most of the United States when Blizzard was founded, gaming culture was predominantly white in the US. More than anything, tech companies in the US at this time were as well.

Also, I don’t use my own personal experience in this, because I wasn’t from a typical American town. I wasn’t even raised in the mainland, so I have no experience to judge based off of this. I’m basing this off of what I see now, what I have heard, as well as statistics I have seen previously.