Blizzard ignoring forums?

They actually have been very vocal about hero balance. People tend to trash talk the devs alot, but we need to give credit where credit is due.

Forum moderators and game developers are different jobs btw

You’ve made your bed, History. We all see you for what you are, and most of us have known this for quite a while

When did this happen?

They need to suck it up and deal with it, if they actually try to listen and make changes they will make more money, if not the population will keep declining.

Unfortunately forums don’t often put opinions across in a calm manner.

Balance aside it would be good to have communication about game issues such as;
Server disconnects, missing gold weapon skins and broken career profiles from the top of my head.

15 characterss

Bro if you really think that a concern like trashzzard do care about problems in their games, then you should uninstall.

They only would care if all players would leave this game.

Yes, and I hope it stays that way. These forums are filled with bad takes, bad ideas and delusional users.

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