Blizzard ignoring forums?

There’s a lot of problems in the game right now but theres a few that need answers such as hero balancing and gameplay quality but zero word from the devs. Should we expect any surprises from the team?


They have always ignored the forums. This is where opinions and complaints come to die.

Still fun if you get used to it.


They talk about balance a lot. No idea what you mean about gameplay quality. The bugs they have yet to fix? Yeah, they probably should update us on those.


That’s not entirely true, though it is accurate now.

Jeff used to come here and roast cheaters who were lying about their bans.

Devs used to come here and talk to us and give us information and share ideas about the process.

Then people started acting like absolute jerks to them and they stopped doing it. They stopped giving us information because Doomers immediately started lashing out about what they thought would happen.

The forums got a reputation for being emotional, childish and exaggerating. They stopped listening to us completely, even when we are right to be concerned. Now even when there is a real problem they are not likely to listen to us.

They have OWL players, content creators, and internal testers to provide feedback as well as raw data.

They promised us real communication after the scandals. They tried it twice. Saw how the forums acted and went back to radio silence.


That is completely untrue when jeff was still on the team he would give his opinion on certain problems for example when bastion was considered op he admitted that he needed to be tuned down in a forum post


This “forum” is a den of toxicity and trolls from around 2017-2018.

Is normal Blizzard reached the point to ignore this “forum” and not talk directly with this little part of the community.

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That’s true. That was a long, long time ago, though. Always was maybe too strong a word, but it’s been years.

I wonder if they’ll drop off reddit with how negative they’ve gotten, too.

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I’d like to think Jeff at least once in a while comes in here on a random anonymous account just to read posts and reply sometimes

As others have said, Blizzard used to post here but gave up on it due to how disrespectful the posters were.

The whole revert mercy army were the ones to finally push them out

While toxic trolls brought this on us, I do think companies need to not react in such a counterprductive manner. Radio silence only abdicates the forums to the trolls.

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Honestly, they are probably making the right decision. If we had any sense we would be ignoring the forums too…


I feel like compared to how Hello Games handled with the storm what was NMS hate Blizzard has it so easy. I was being cheeky in my first comment, but it does feel a little thin-skinned to hide from your community but also not speak with actions.

Fact is that the forum is currently mostly used for blizz bashing and not for providing feedback. I would also ignore them for the first 6 months until the people who just dont like the game are gone.

The only person on the team who really interacted with the forums was Michael chu the lead writer at the time. He even responded to one of my posts a long time ago.

Until this forum changes balance to be about maybe… 80% positive to Blizzard I don’t see them making any major presence here.

They’ll stick to Twitter where they feel safe.

Blizzard has stated that they essentially view the forums as a negative hate space. Which is funny, as it’s their fault that it’s like this.

They’ll likely drop routine posts here every now and then, but disable comments on said posts. It’s not the disrespect that bothers me, so much as the cowardice.


I don’t consider coming here and acting like everything is fine and the consumer/producer relationship is as good as it was back in the early WoW days with assumed goodwill from both sides is a genuine attempt at resuming dialogue.

They should understand they fostered this angry mob of a customer base and it’s their responsibility to fix it.

If they want to keep the forums, they need to do some actual interacting and addressing of issues. If they’re just going to ignore it, might as well delete it all and save us all a bunch of time.


If they were ignoring forums, Genji wouldn’t have been nerfed.

They 95% of the time ignore the forums and that’s part of the reason they are so out of touch with their playerbase.

As a wise businessman told our group at conference meeting, “if you can’t take criticism or listen to the criticism of your customers you will simply be lost in whatever you plan to promote”

They are focused solely on the question “how do we make more money off of players?” They have forgotten the two big questions of feedback that will make them money.

“Do our customers enjoy what we put out?”

“Are we giving the community what they want?”

Until they attempt to address feedback they will stay lost


Exactly this. This is their creation. The thing is, when they don’t like the opinions of their costumers, they label them as haters. They say the forums don’t like changes, it’s their changes and bad decisions that people don’t like.

Now look at everywhere. They cannot just say is the forums that don’t like change. There’s a ton of angry fans in each one of their posts on social media lately.

They’re just so self-absorbed that they prefer to label everyone as the problem except themselves.


They only respond when it’s convenient for them. Look at their Twitter lol. On Halloween, they asked for pictures of people’s Overwatch costumes, and were actively responding to people. But all the real concerns and critique of the game go completely ignored day after day on every post. And then here on the forums, it’s radio silence all the time.

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