Hero Balance Dev Update - 28 October 2022

Aint no way these mf’s nerfed genji before sojourn :skull::skull::skull:


The Genji Shuriken damage nerf is completely uncalled for, that was not an issue at all. Also, 0 changes to Soujourn? You are heavily disconnected from your playerbase, holy.


I remember them buffing her in the beta and feeling it wasn’t really necessary. Now they’re just pretending she’s bad and acting like we’re ignorant and don’t know she’s actually “underperforming”. Like we all feel it any time she’s in a game but ok.

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Suzu and bio grenade are very different. Suzu provides two positive effects. You can’t really use it offensively.

Bionade is best uses offensively to deny healing.

So on the one hand, thank you for communicating exactly what you are planning on doing and when, rather than staying silent until November 15th. Even though people are going to be frustrated by that timeline, i appreciate you sticking your neck out to communicate it.

On the other hand…why are we waiting until November 15th? Just to get a few more weeks of data? I don’t see the logic in waiting if the changes have already been determined. The side effect of that decision is more people will use those heroes in their op state while they still can (seriously, im about to grind sombra now)…or just choose not to play until November 15 (I’m a tank player who won’t be touching that role until Zarya nerfs go through).

Read the EULA, all donations to Kotick’s Epstein island vacation fund are final.

it has to be a bad joke ? just that ? it’s a minimal and almost imperceptible nerf ? they didn’t even remove that passive that gives him free dash just because someone on his team killed someone genji touched ? really , don’t they see the problem that this passive generates or the total lack of skill it takes to activate it literally no matter how useless you are if someone on your team kills you have another free cd please he’s supposed to be a “hard” hero.
I’m not sure if it’s not enough with the ones you get with his passive if any other hero had a passive like that he would have been rendered useless as brig, stop being so hypocritical and give him the nerf he deserves.

It took weeks to come to these conclusions, and now its going to take weeks to implement small number tweaks? Really?

I don’t want to believe that the entire reason for Overwatch 2’s existence is to change monetization schemes, but damn its really hard to view it as anything but that.


No Sojourn nerf , u serious ?
Also , where is the DPS passive rework ?


So nothing.

Doomfist still dead, Roadhog dead, Zarya overpowered with 2 barriers (hey they have reduced the time!), Kiriko infinite teleport because is ok to teleport trough walls, Mercy dead, Brig dead… Yeah awesome “balance”

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But that’s exactly what it is, its a short term cash grab to boost up the company evaluation prior to the buyout.

You guys are seriously going to wait until Nov 15 to push this patch??? Zarya is literally breaking your game and in every match, and now we still have to wait a lil over half a month for you dumbasses to fix it. you guys have to be the most incompetent dev team on earth to think this is ok or a good idea

So we have to wait an entire 2 weeks to not be forced into playing zarya every match? Good stuff guys.

What if Mercy could use her staff to shoot could be nice just for survivability maybe give the option when nobody is connected with her staff you can charge a heal shoot and heal teammates with dmg boost too but if you do it with dmg boost you can dmg the enemy like Winston would help her in ow2 an make her more fun to play because you can be proactive

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Do I understand correctly that Sombra will still be able to re-Hack a target with EMP? Like, she can still Hack a target, then EMP them with the 25% extra damage and lock out their abilities again and refresh the 8s wallhacks and damage boost?

nerfing genji this hard and not touching sojourn is a massive mistake

also please address the issues in your monetization model when it comes to the shop


Not really. In lower ranks she can still get tons of values from body shots/her field aoe. Maybe in really really low ranks but in any rank where people can aim okayish she’s still strong though not dominant. High plat/diamond she starts to just dominate which is like 30% of the playerbase so


If they tone down Zarya, I don’t know if Roadhog will need anything. Doom is in a position where he feels weak but then I have pop-off moments and survivability through his mobility after disrupting enemy teams. So, I don’t know how that translates to higher level play or low level play but I feel for the average player, we don’t have the stats, it might be too premature to buff them after others tanks get touched.

This isn’t the original Overwatch team anymore so don’t expect much other than items that cost monsy


Genji did not deserve to be gutted like how Darkrai’s signature move Dark Void was in the Gen 6 Pokemon games… The most top picked characters are Moira, Sojourn & Zarya & im glad to at least see 1 of those three getting a nerf but, Genji was not one that deserves to be gutted when Moira, Winston, Zarya & by a slight technicality Echo all counter Genji cuz beam attacks