Blizzard hypocrisy. Saying Gameplay Sabotage is not allowed

Because you don’t want to lose and playing heroes you are not good at causes you to lose.


I wouldn’t call that cheating at all.

Why would people practice heroes they are bad at in ranked if there is no incentive to do so. In fact, it actively punishes you for attempting to. You get punished by SR and rank loss, you get punished by your teammates yelling or insulting you, you get punished by the matchmaker because people start avoiding you, heck you might get people actively throwing your games out of spite. What’s more likely is that you are actively discouraged from learning and using other heroes in comp than ones you are comfortable on because of these negatives consequences like the ones I listed above.

This has never been true. Most people don’t know how to play all the heroes in their role much less to the same degree of skill. Furthermore, playing too many heroes actively hurts you because you tend to master very few. I put money of the guys that play 2-3 heroes 90% of the time over the guys who play every hero to middling success. It’s also unrealistic to expect everyone to play all heroes and is not in line with player behavior. What is more likely, someone learning all the heroes in their role or someone learning a couple or even just 1 that they really enjoy. You can live in the idealistic world where everyone tries to do the former but the reality is that most people don’t.

I mean, they have the exact same option to do the same.

Smurfs yes. Alts no. If you got to that rank playing those characters you chose to play then you deserve that rank. Also, not every alt account places or ends up lower than people’s main.

Was that a fresh account?

because when im on practising other heroes, I get flung into games with diamonds/masters in QP

Alt account and I get flung into gold/plat

On console - yes. On PC - no.

It’s definitely not as easy or affordable but lets not pretend that OW is the $60 game it used to be. There are game expansions more expensive than OW.

its basically the same thing to smurfing

a Higher sr person is intentionally playing with lower SR people


The amount of people that claim to not know this is insane.
Also theres A LOT of dudes that just dont care and want to report that guy that rolled them over. RageReport is quite a thing in online games and in OW is super prevalent.

Then why is it not allowed for me to practice in GM with my friend even if it was legit done without cheating :clown_face:

which is why unranked to gm streams dont exist…

wait those guys ruin tons of games and the matchmaker usually doesnt do crap to stop them.


It looks like they changed their mind since 2018:


Yeah right.


Blizzard should force people who set up a new account to automatically link the MMR from their main account to the new one.

As it is now, being able to legally smurf is a paid service. Blizzard wont just reset your MMR on your main account so you can bypass their matchmaker and play against lower ranks, even though their matchmaker should quickly place them higher again. But if you pay for it, its fine.


So basically it’s because you are afraid to lose.


I think part of what you are seeing is bad matchmaking in the first place. The game probably knows that guy has higher mmr than everyone else, but he gets matched in there anyway, because he’s queueing with friends, has a dps fast pass, it’s 3am, and they’ve been in queue for 6 minutes already.

Population dwindles, matchmaking becomes harder, a tale as old as the internet.

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That still doesn’t explain why you’d need an alternate account in order to play different heroes? Using Valorant and Apex Legends (as you used them), in Valorant, Sage plays differently to the likes of Neon or any other Duelist, and in Apex Legends, playing Caustic or Lifeline is a lot different than playing Wraith or Ash.

All the games mentioned involve characters with different playstyles (same as Overwatch), so it doesn’t make sense as to why Overwatch needs a separate account in order to play these heroes? Ideally, Overwatch should allow for players to play whatever hero they want on a single account; if a game requires you to buy another account to play a different playstyle, then that’s very poor game design in the grand scheme of things. At least, in my eyes.


I mean a rank per hero would kind of solve this. But then… switches are kind worthless.

Playing a new account normally is not manipulating. Only deliberately throwing to get lower SR is manipulating and also banable .

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I really wish the limit to play comp was a lot higher, it would at least make the people who buy several new accounts with the intention of playing many games in lower tiers at least have to put in considerable time to do it. I’d like if at the very least the limit was 50 rather than 25, gives the match maker a proper chance to place them too.


even when you report people on doing that action rarely gets taking and we know that.

I honestly dont get the appeal in smurfing just to smurf, dont get why someone would spend that money when they already have an account they can play on , and Im very tired of getting them in my games in swarms every time the game goes on sale