Blizzard hypocrisy. Saying Gameplay Sabotage is not allowed

But in the same breath allowing SO MANY players to soft throw without even realizing it because they’re awful while the game could do a much better job at explaining basic OW knowledge.

I’d rather see smurfs than hardstuck peanut brain players.

LOL it cracks me up how some people react to the truth and actually tries to defend themselves by basically saying “Yeah i’m cheating, I’m cheating because I don’t like losing”.

Why not practice your weak characters in quickplay then go to ranked? If you lose with a character in ranked its because you weren’t good enough and you deserve SR loss and deserve to play with and against people that also are just as skilled (or not) as you.
The reason you don’t do that is because you want to win when you shouldn’t be able to. You’re a cheater, but you think its ok because everyone else does it. Your argument for using alts is so you don’t lose as much on your main account. It’s cheating when losing is a metric the system needs to accurately place you.
You’re worried about smurfs stomping you, so thats why you make another smurf account. Man I really wonder if the human race is gonna make it another hundred years. I seriously wonder.


Nope my main, i dont play on alt acc atm

And were you placed before


This is primarily the issue. It effectively makes all forms of punishment and consequence mean nothing. They easily just DC on you comp match and treat competitive like a game quickplay. Even when playing they are far more likely to make a ridiculous play because the game doesn’t matter. i bet if people went around treating their GM games the same way it would be no laughing matter.

How is it thar there i keep getting all these disconnect players season after season? Where’s all the penalties and punishments going? Or is it the influx of constant new players making it seem that way?

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I mean, the whole aim of comp is to try to win. If you don’t care about winning then why not just play quickplay?

There you go then.

You were placed before, therefore, placements from then on are meaningless

Fresh accounts however get placed between silver and mid diamond depending on a number of factors, including loss win percentage, group average rating, deaths, etc.

yea, thats how the system works

so, ur comment dont make any sense

No. I mean if you average just slightly above 50% winrate, you get gold/plat on fresh

yea and thats right, cause gold-plat are the average ranks

And then if you have bad teammates 50% of the games, youre forever stuck

the enemies have 6 ppl that can be dogsh*t, ur team only have 5 so the enemies are worse then u, i played soloQ from Bronze to diamond and i was stuck in bronze for a while there

Oh, so you smurfed??

I realy like that smurfs sayin its not bad thing to smurfing and use smurf account to reply to themself they agree.

Smurfing is illegal in rl so why its allowed here?

Again, those characters are still far closer to each other than characters in Overwatch. Wraith and Lifeline are still gonna play more similarly than Widow and Mercy. Sage and Jett are still gonna be closer than Rein and Pharah. I don’t think it’s a failure of the game at all, just different design philosophies. Part of the draw of Overwatch is the fact that heroes are so unique and that there was a playstyle for every kind of player. You CAN play every hero on one account but you shouldn’t expect to be good at all of them because Overwatch doesn’t have a lot of universal mechanics. There is a reason that a lot of players either stick to a single role or stick to a handful of heroes.

It’s not cheating but okay, go off I guess. The devs get to decide what is cheating, not you.

If quickplay was the same as ranked then I would practice there. Quickplay has its own host of issues. People leaving constantly, large disparity in skill level, practically no communication whatsoever, shorter rounds making it harder to experience attack and defense phases of maps, and it’s full of people who are not taking the game seriously in any way. I can stomp teams in quickplay playing heroes I’m terrible at and it doesn’t mean a damn thing since the game quality isn’t there.

Why shouldn’t I be able to win? Why would I play those heroes on my main when I could just get higher SR playing the heroes I already play? I wouldn’t lose more games by just playing on my main account because I would simply just not play heroes I’m bad at. Or are you under some false impression that everyone in this game flexes to all 32 heroes. This is the same game where we have one tricks in top 500.

The system does accurately place you on your alt account based on how you play. Whether I play on my main or alt, if I play heroes I’m bad at I’m gonna end at the same place. Except playing those heroes on my main will ruin games for everyone I play with as I drop.

Lol, I don’t give a crap if I have smurfs on the enemy team, I actually enjoy the challenge. Nothing better than besting a smurf that though they were gonna run you over. But again, the distinction between a smurf and an alt needs to be made. My alt account is to play heroes I don’t normally play. I’m not stomping lower ranked players because I am genuinely bad at the heroes I’m playing on it. Personally I’m not a fan of people creating a bunch of alts just to play the same things they would normally because that actually does destroy matchmaking.

And I that, therein, lies the problem: this is both a player and game problem.

Player, because a lot of people have been conditioned into believing they can only truly progress when playing one hero. Game, because even the game enforces the idea that one cannot improve unless they stay on one hero (rating system in this game really needs adjustments).

For a game that once prided itself on being able to swap heroes throughout the match, they really have a counter-intuitive method of progression.

Then again, that’s just one of MANY underlying problems in this game: poor tutorial; lack of hero spotlight videos; abysmal competitive integrity; and the list goes on.

Sure, only a select few can play every hero in the roster, but I still stand by the idea that alternate accounts shouldn’t be required to play a different hero. An Unrated game mode and hero-specific tutorials should address some of these issues. And besides, learning at least two different heroes before going into Competitive should be the bare minimum.


Bingo, you’re not trying to win by playing what you’re best at or playing whatever suits the scenario. Likewise if you get below whatever you’ve determined to be your X hero skill is, you just play your main to boost back up. Rather than take the SR hit by flexing onto something your less familiar with on your main, you’re pushing these problems onto your team mates on an account you’re not invested in :man_shrugging:t2:


nope, i was stuck in bronze for some seasons, then i improved my skill, done vod-reviews etc and managed to climb out there to diamond

thats why i just laugh about this elo-hell bobs