Blizzard hypocrisy. Saying Gameplay Sabotage is not allowed

The automated report system is inherently flawed by relying on the players instead of moderators verifying rules have been broken.

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honestly i had a match with someone who was either a smurf or a hacker as there aim was way to good for a noob like they wasnt even rank 10 they was like a 6

Well, I hope you don’t actually complain about anything they do then. Not to mention the huge CoC paragraph explicitly telling that the community will regulate itself with verification from the gamemasters.

Smurfs do not play normally… they throw a certain number of games to maintain low SR so they can continue stomping on people because they find it fun

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There’s no way to realistically moderate smurfs.

…and how does Blizz prove your account was smurfing? What data do they point to? :thinking: :upside_down_face:

Why are we even still debating this? This community has NEVER wanted a true competitive environment. If you did then everyone would have ONE account and ONE account only. But that’s the nature of blizzard fans, defend worst gamer habits and act all surprised when no one wants to play with you.


Just report smurfs for abusive chat. They are all toxic anyway, and it works faster than any other report option.


Why not just practice these characters on your main account?

Because you are trying to avoid losses on your main account?

Whats the point of MMR when you guys are actively trying to get around it by gaining experience on another account and bringing it to your main. That’s cheating.

You are meant to play one account and LOSE practicing hero’s you suck at. If every single person was legit and had one account, there would be no reason to make second accounts to practice with because you’d be at the mmr you were meant to be at.

Ranked is measuring your skill with ALL characters, you are meant to switch characters for specific scenarios, not main a single character because they aren’t designed to beat everything.

When you make another account to “practice” you’re cheating everyone else that doesn’t do the same thing, skewing every result and match you play for 11 other people, who then skew every match they weren’t ever meant to be in because of you practicing on an alt.

Alts and smurfs destroyed matchmaking entirely, making it a worthless feature.

It’s really not a hard concept to understand. It’s simple logic.



Congrats, you all now just got an earworm!

I think at this point. If someone goes cliff diving and it is a ranked match. At least the system needs to deal with those deadweight team mates by awarding players points for their efforts regardless of that arrogant “blob” that feeds into the enemy and forces the match to be a loss.

You’d think by now, Blizzard would acknowledge that a solid 38% of their player base in competitive throws the match regardless.

Then again. They are getting bought out, because they couldn’t retain the player base to make money. (IE the CEO).


I would argue that smurfing occurs whenever a player is playing outside of their proper rank.

That can be achieved in a lot of ways, but the outcome is the same - unfair matches for people who are playing the game in their proper rank.

I personally don’t care if it’s a new account or a thrower. If you’re screwing with my game’s MMR you’re a smurf.


And that’s reportable. When they throw

I do not complain in any way about smurfs, on here or in game. Actually I find them a good challenge, they help me improve my Pharah skills and really push me to limit

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To be fair, most people here would definitely enforce a one account per player rule if that were hypothetically possible.

I still firmly believe this community is not interested in a competitive environment, but not because alt accounts exist…


Having only one account limits your willingness to do things that would sabotage the competitive environment.


Me getting 1-4 and placed in dia…

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this behavior just creates more problems =_=

reportable but in most cases almost impossible to detect

No, I mean anything they do. Anything really, from balance changes to upheld decisions on bans, etc. I mean, if you think the full extent of gameplay sabotage are the few instances explained on the memo, and not what the full CoC details, you should also accept every change that happens to the game as the company made em. Broken hero? Don’t complain, company decided it that way.

it would only be reportable if someone was also trowing to stay low rank if they are just passing through a rank on their way up that is clearly fine… the match maker will deal with that… and if they are just throwing money at the game to keep there lol yeah ok fine thanks for subsidizing overwatch man lololol…

people throwing to lower their rank is the bigger issue and that is reportable.

Apex characters have way less variation between them than Overwatch ones. Every character in Apex has access to the same guns and loot. Shooting a gun as Pathfinder is the same as shooting a gun on Wraith. There are no 2 guns that are the same in Overwatch. Closest we had were old Bastion and old 76 and even they have since been made more unique. Same thing with Valorant and maybe even more so since so many characters share similar abilities in that game. How many Valorant abilities fall under the categories of flashes, smokes, or walls? Overwatch classes by contrast are extremely distinct in what they do. There is a lot that does not carry over from hero to hero. Ana does play like Mercy, who does not play like Rein, who does not play like Dva, who does not play like Soldier, who does not play like Junkrat etc…