Blizzard Hates Mercy, she will never get a buff and Mercy mains need to accept that

I don’t think they hate Mercy, I just don’t think they know what to do with her.


The only supports devs like are Ana and Lucio, the OG brawl healer duo since brawl is apparently the default way to play overwatch. Other supports outside of that circle who compliment different playstyles can go eff themselves. =)


… considering the “discussions” had when the subject comes up. I have no doubts that they do. Maybe this isn’t their fault though.


Look at his response, it’s clear he has no clue what he is talking about “remove 2cp” sigh, talk about bias. Oh and btw, the pros have had contact with the devs since a long time ago, and Mercy hasn’t been buffed, go figure.


At this point I dont think the devs even dislike Mercy. I just think they’re concerned about upsetting the OWL crowd because god forbid Mercy gets played there.

I mean the Devs literally DID remove TWO 2cp maps for the rest of the year unil they rework them and Jeff LITERALLY said this about 2cp last week:

So if the head Dev also thinks the map type is an issue maybe you’re just being silly for no reason and NeptuNo doesn’t “not have a clue”

Yes but recently they’ve become more vocal about her :smiley: :heart:


Wow another ignorant and stupid person(Sorry but saying how dumb other people are, contributing nothing to the conversation.)

At least add with disagreeing and why and contribute rather then call people idiots.


Just flag them for trolling. It’s obv a throwaway account, but better than nothing


He definitely doesn’t his “remove 2cp” response is as immature and ignorant as it comes. If he wants the mode to be improved in some way then say that and offer some constructive criticism not “REMOVE 2CP 4HEAD”.

You are not going to get what you want buddy I guarantee it, the most I see happen is a very minor buff that will not change her much, because she doesn’t need much if any at all.


Fortune has the same problem I mentioned above and Pink is locked permanently and cost $600 for an account that has it. I’ve grown to hate it that even seeing it in game just causes me to rage quit tbh. It’s the only skin that has effort in it and no one can get it again? I’ll pass…

Other than that, Winged is probably the only decent one out of the bunch.

He could be referencing the fact that Jeff had talked about turning 2CP into 3CP maps as a way to fix the mode. Effectively, Jeff has proposed removing 2CP in the past as a way of reworking those maps.


Removing it until they improve it is a good idea, it’s literally what the Devs did to Horizon and Paris last week.

Do your fingers hurt from grasping at straws so hard to try to invalidate a professional player’s opinion on the game? lol

If she gets a minor buff I will be happy, 10 HPS would be a minor buff to her viability :smiley:

And thanks for your guarantee but idk who you are and don’t really care what you say so you can keep getting mad but I’ll continue advocating for change to Mercy and watching pro players do the same :smiley:


Remove and rework are very different things. Asking to remove a map, mode or hero is ridiculous and that kind of people are the ones you ignore.

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It’s kind of the OWL fault because they complained so much to the devs and the devs probally don’t want to have to deal with that again

All you have is the opinion of a Mercy main that makes ignorant and immature comments about the game’s design. Good luck on that.

She is not going to get 10hps we already went through that and it didn’t work, it’s like asking mass rez to come back, which some people still do and I roll my eyes everytime.

I’m not mad in the slightest, you are the one who is constantly advocating for your hero to be buffed and it never happens, I’m fairly certain you are the one who is mad here.

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No, I’m literally saying that they once removed 2 control points in those respective maps and replaced it with 3 control points as a way of reworking those maps. But hey, I’m just making an educated guess. I just don’t see a pro making dumb statements like that unless it was in reference to something worthwhile.

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Talk about strawman. Who here really mentioned mass Res besides you? It’s not coming back and most accept that. The majority of debates about mass Res nowadays just revolve around defending the belief that it was better than the rework.


When any possibility of your main being buffed is squandered by the devs, I thinks it’s fair to say you’ve got a right to be mad

The thing is Mercy can’t heal through stupid, and people have to get used to that and know how to get more value out of her weak healing.

When did they do this?

I see pro players saying all sort of dumb, ignorant and immature thing all the time, probably because most of them are young. Skill does not equal wisdom.