Blizzard game fact sheet released on BlizzCon website

For those on mobile here are the stats:

  • 37 Million Active Players from more than 200 countries log onto Blizzard BattleNet as a whole each month
  • There are an average 30,000 logins per minute
  • Players send 30 million messages a day
  • The average account has 21 BattleNet friends
  • Koreans have an average of 28 BattleNet friends making South Korea the friendliest country
  • In Overwatch over 7.4 Billion Endorsements have been given to teammates and opponents alike
  • In Heroes of the Storm, Murky has been killed 390 million times
  • In World of Warcraft, Legion, Dungeon, and Raid Bosses have slayed players 2.8 billion times and players have slayed bosses 1.4 billion times
  • Players have played 23.3 billion Murloc cards in Hearthstone
  • Nercomancers have more than 10 million skill build combos in Diablo 3
  • The Blizzard forums receive an average of 1 million posts per month
  • Over $25 million in prize money has been won in StarCraft II esport events
  • Over 35,000 attended BlizzCon 2018 live
  • 10 million across 180 Countries and all 50 U.S. states more attended via the Virtual Ticket
  • Over 4.1 years in workhours are spent preparing BlizzCon the week before
  • The Main LED screen used on the Overwatch Stage at BlizzCon 2017 weighs an elephant
  • There are 70 fog and haze machines used at BlizzCon last year
  • The total floorspace at Blizzcon is the span of 21 football fields

“There are no strangers at BlizzCon, only friends you haven’t meet yet.” - Mike Morhaime


37 million players each month? Wow thats a lot.

Where is the Elephant?

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Overwatch is clearly dead.

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At least 7 million of those are my alts tho

Yes,yes clearly dead.

Thanks for buying 7 million copies of overwatch!!
You are a loyal overwatch fan.

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Relative to, what, the 40 million sales? That fact is blatantly fabricated or they are using a very weird definition of “active.” I bet it is not accounting for “unique” players. No one in their right mind believes this game retained over 92.5% of the player-base.

Edit - Blatantly misread the post. Ignore this drivel.

When you can’t Say nothing about Overwatch so you put a random fact

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Could you imagine the effort in managing that server infrastructure?

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I will note the active player count is for ALL of Blizzard’s games, including their most popular, World of Warcraft.

That being said, I am willing to guess that Overwatch is currently the 2nd most popular. I think saying 10 million active players is a safe bet, but I would not be surprised if that number is a lot higher.


Oh. Nvm then lol…

No need to imagine, here is a glimpse:

not for OW… 37million for all blizzard games.

also active players are being defined by 2h playtime per month…

2h per month is not much… if you also take smurfs into consideration.

Super interesting fact, OP. This means one can calculate the rough number of Overwatch games that have been played since the endorsement feature has launched (June 26th, ~2 months). This is the first time I’ve seen any recent info on how large the active playerbase is.

Edit: So there’s a minimum of 40 Overwatch games per second being completed. I’m guessing the actual number is roughly an order of magnitude more (400) due to: (a) not every mode having 12 players, (b) not being able to re-endorse for 12 hours, © players not endorsing at the maximum rate possible every game.

2nd Edit: Based on a bunch of other facts, I was able to further guesstimate the number of concurrent lobbies for my SR/play time/region and it reaffirms what I had felt. When I play most there seems to be a small handful (1-10) concurrent game lobbies at once for my SR & region. Interesting to see this guess roughly correlates to officially released stats.

Just so you know, that number is NOT just for Overwatch. It is for ALL Blizzard games.


21 friends, I’m really slacking. I got exactly 0 friends. That’s how this player rolls

The stats aren’t very clear as to whether or not this is for every game or just Overwatch. It’s a case of if it’s for Overwatch, then yeah, it’s a decent amount, but if it’s across all their games, then 37 million people isn’t really a lot, especially when you ask the question “How many of them are playing Overwatch?”.

And how are we supposed to just believe that?

No OW stats? Something smells fishy.