Blizzard game fact sheet released on BlizzCon website

37 mil players from 200 countries log in to … X servers located in only 3 countries … Yey :smiley:

Read more carefully. It doesnt say 37 billion on overwatch. It says 37 billions log onto battle. net each month. Thats all possible games or maybe even people just checking stuff

They didnt give specific stats on any game and I bet its because of hots. Its a sore eye for activity level.

If they gave activity levels for OW, Hearthstone, or WOW they would have to for HotS and it wouldnt be pretty.

Also for the 37million active, a lot of that is hearthstone. That is probably the #1 active game out of all of the games on BNET.

Its the total players from all blizzard games not Just ow.

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yet, we don’t get near as 10 responses from the dev team lol g8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

But they did. They leaked the number of endorsements which is a direct measure of how many games of Overwatch only are being played.

Endorsements are an Overwatch only stat.

Indeed, that is my fault. I honestly thought the first part of the list was Overwatch because it goes in order, I did not realize those were general facts especially because once they are done with games they move into more general facts again. Weird layout.

Yeah it is but when you think of it from marketing makes sense. Bigger numbers are higher up and in bigger font. People see the number and just go “Ooo” So i guess it works in that way

Edit. Saying yeah it is to “weird layout” not rubbing anything in any faces.

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Of course bigger numbers have more impact.

Of course it isn’t accounting for “unique” players. Hell, even Blizzard can’t do that determination. They could get close by checking IPs, but that’s still prone to a fair amount of inaccuracy.

And of course like a bunch of people have already said, this is as a whole, not just OW.

you can’t give endorsements to enemies can you?

I am not even saying “unique” as in non-smurf in that specific context. If that number DID apply to Overwatch, they would practically need to account for the same player during different sessions as an active player. That is why I was so confused, because that would be the only way to get the number so high, but it would be disingenuous. But yeah, I just sort of passively scrolled through, saw the post and replied to it. Definitely my fault for not reading it properly.

I wouldn’t say its a direct measure unless you know what percentage are endorsing, and how often are the ones endorsing doing them all.

I only endorsed when I needed level 25 and havent since because the entire system is idiotic and pointless.

People are only doing it for the xp and it in no way measures anything. Its all random and useless.

Point in case I had a match where it devolved into toxicity with myself participating. At the end I received “sportsmanship”.

As long as their is a reward tied to using the system its going to make the actual system useless.

Also something that is worth noting from that site is the Blizzcon 2018 digital item for Overwatch will be revealed on stream on September 12th, if they are revealing the Overwatch item on stream before any of the other stuff is revealed, It’s likely we will see something more than just a epic quality recolor skin for this year.

Didn’t know that active players are defined as “2h / month or more”. That’s interesting, thanks for sharing!

This means there is a maximum of 4.3 million active Overwatch players. (Likely an order of magnitude or two less than this, since not many active players play 2h/mo I’m guessing.)

that’s a lotta salt…

Yes you can. When you open the endorsement panel at the end of a match, there is a clickable option to move to the enemy team. There you can give any opponent the good sportsmanship endorsement. You cannot give good teammate or shot caller to opposing players.

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How did you derive that number?

Please see my first post above. It is a DIRECT measure of games played. You can get an absolute lower bound.

I messed up in my excitement. My bad! It’s struck through now.

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