Blizzard, don't cave in to whiny healbots

Weird how you contradict yourself right in the op.

Supports already had to do this.

DPS skill floor is incredibly low right now. You don’t see threads about that. Though considering how hyperbolic threads involving the class roles seems to get the most attention, perhaps we should start doing that.

Time to make DPS skill based again blizzard.


It is because they are shook. They ain’t want to say nothing and risk losing the utopia that is being presented. I can hardly blame them. As a hot blooded American dps myself, I have to admit that sometimes you just feel like playing Duck Hunt. But nobody has the time to dust off and boot up their NES, and we have outgrown shooting at bots, it is much more fun to treat real living people like AI. That should be obvious in the modern era.

It is funny, the only DPS I would say is truly bad is Sym. Soldier is obviously crazy broken, but when he isn’t in the game and there isn’t a god tier widow player the game feels real good to play as DPS.

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Based second Levi

this isn’t my alt

I’ve been bashing on hitscan balance and skill floor and ceiling for months…

Please improve your reading comprehension. There’s people behind the screen (or as I call them, reasonable people/normal players and healbots) and there’s the actual characters (support).

I don’t need to improve my reading comprehension. Mediocre DPS players like you just need to word things correctly instead of making incredibly bad blanket statements. The entire healbot thing is a strawman anyway. It is a mentality that is gold and below.


My gm and master friends have the same mentality. I’m diamond, so not average.
Why don’t you comment on your main :slight_smile: so that we can see your rank.

It’s worded correctly you just need more than 3 active braincells to read the situation.

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No they don’t. They aren’t sitting here heal botting going “Man this is nice. I don’t do anything else XD”. You don’t get GM and Masters healbotting, so you are just lying to further your already proven wrong narrative.

I’m masters support, so okay and?

No, it really isn’t. I proved that it isn’t, and you can’t handle that. It is okay, keep saying toxic things like this though. :wink:


I mean they have the same take…


Dodging doesn’t make you seem smart buddy. Just admit you didn’t read it correctly, won’t kill you

No they don’t. I doubt you even got GM/Masters friends.

No one here is dodging but you. That is okay, DPS players like you need crutches like that anyway. :slight_smile:

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Jasonbent - Gm junk, tracer, soldier, doomfist
Toast -masters junk.
I can get them to reply to you if you’re this out of things to say :slight_smile:

I explained that you can’t read. The ones keeping the characters alive are the characters - support. The ones behind the screen are those that can have opinions. And “healbots” is my name for those of them who think support needs buffs in ow2.
What does me being a dps player have to do with how I argue :joy:

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Neither of these are support players.

Go ahead. I’ll dismantle them if they hold the same opinion like I dismantled you easily.

I explained I can read, you are just bad at using words in the correct context, quoted you doing so, and now you are back peddling to try and say “Well I didn’t mean ALL support” then saying things like “Well my GM/Masters friends…” who happen to be DPS mains “think like I do.”

Weird how that works right?

So, is majority of the pro players, T500, and master players who are waaaaaaaaaaay better than you and your friends healbots?

I’d love to see you duel ML7 and watch you cry.

Cause you have zero idea what you are talking about.

“Waaaaaaaaaah I was so bad at killing support prepatch and now that it is so easy a drooling dog can do it I want it to stay this way waaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I am entitled to this blizzard keep it this way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.”

Then you 3 seconds later.

“OMG why isn’t this support healing me anymore, why are they killing me or flank killing my support, wah wah wah”.

:gorilla: :zzz:


All of these are literally required in overwatch 1, there is no difference there. Its the fact that you can do all of the above and against good players that becomes irrelevant, you will still die every time. Especially on Zen, the wet paper towel that is Brig, and arguably Bap.

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Uh oh, you are back peddling on what you said just 3 posts ago. Imagine saying…

Implying that they are support mains then back peddling on it and saying…

A blanket statement like this and saying ‘you can’t read’.

Oops, you got caught red handed.

Oh I can read perfectly. You just got caught and are trying to change what you meant. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, you will still be hard stuck diamond even though DPS role in beta is easier than mercy during the moth meta.

No more than a strawman than your healbot statement, right? :wink:


The DPS ones do. No one cares what DPS think when it comes to support. There are supports that are S tier within their own role, but in the grand scheme of things no support character is above A tier.

Keep trying though. :gorilla: :zzz:


I said they’re gm/masters and they’re my friends. Anything else is just your schizophrenia acting up.

Same mentality as me you donut

Last time I’m saying this. Supports are the characters.

Nope you just need to take your meds (and an English reading comprehension course)

Climbed 3 ranks in one season on genji I think I’ll be fine :kissing_heart:

TIL Karq is a Cree otp :wink:

Nope I don’t think I will. Talking to you is worthless because you simply can’t read or have such an inflated ego that you can never admit you are wrong.

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Nope. For someone who claims to have good reading comprehension, you are really bad at this.


Last time I’m saying this, that is not what you meant in any sort of context and still don’t mean it. You 100% think every support player is a healbot, and have already admitted that much.

Keep posting toxic stuff like this. I am sure it looks good for you. :wink:

Till Karq got ratio’d to oblivion by the rest of the community including ML7. Weird how that works.

You got caught red handed in all your bad faith rhetoric, and now you got to back out. Toodles. :wave: :gorilla:

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You got to have more than this. Where is the DPS skill at.

:gorilla: :zzz:

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So from delusions you went to just pure trolling. Interesting. Nice job bumping my post though :slight_smile: thanks

I think someone misses ow1 overtuned supports and can’t understand ow2 mechanics…

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support is still OP in ow2 I have like a 90% winrate on support just from flexing around the map and team comp. the self heal is a massive buff.
people complaining about supports being ‘‘weak’’ need to stay out of pvp and go play pve. if you hate dying and losing to better players you should not be in a competitive game.

the complaints are just silver skill level supports in plat/diamond hating that they can no longer get carried in 50% of their games anymore. if you don’t want to be in silver where you truly belong put in the work to get better and learn more heroes.

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Blizzard should keep catering to whiny DPSbots instead, like they have for the entire history of ow1

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