Blizzard, don't cave in to whiny healbots

Lol have fun with your queue times when no one wants to play the role. At least you got the easy styrofoam supports you always wanted to play against.


Who said supports want to be enablers of immortality, or even have the ability to heal further.

For the most part, supports are concerned that with the loss of the second tank, thus peels and with DPS having an innate runspeed advantage! that they themselves are too vulnerable, and too incapable of biting back.

Lucio and Moira seem to be the possessors of escape abilities, and the others need a way to both duck out of, and re enter combat in a way that enables essentially self peeling and the ability to actually win duels.


yeah the supports lul and thus the support players with them

they don’t want to keep the fight going they just don’t want to be a free kill.


Trust me, I’m having loads of fun. I don’t mind waiting, I can just do some work in queue.

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Yeah you don’t mind now, when interest is at its highest. And as that interest wanes you’ll start running out of work to do.


I’ll repeat again :point_down:


Blizzard, dont cave in to whiny Dps kids




Not gonna lie, i play every roles, but i don’t feel anything different from my playstyle in both version.
Only thing different is that the heals don’t feal as good as ow1

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Oh but trust me, they will. Buffs aren’t what supports need, they need reworks imo. Especially zen. Zen and all his metas held ow1 in a chokehold and i rlly just wanna see him reworked, not buffed.

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He’s either S tier or C. Not a great design :man_shrugging:

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I feel like I’m solely responsible for this response.

I am :upside_down_face:

Looks like they will cave into the whiny Dps kids who want this game to be a COD ripoff :roll_eyes:


Sombra, the only hero I’ve played in the beta (and I have like 25+ hours) is literally the furthest thing possible from COD what :joy:
I’m probably also one of the strongest advocates for nerfing Soldier

Always will be some one on the forums trying to instigate a fight.

The draw to OW1 was that it was a team-based game with heroes for all types of play styles. You could jump into OW and feel comfortable no matter your gaming background. There are so many other shooters out there where you can essentially play deathmatch and tunnel vision until your brains fall out. OW shouldn’t be trying to join that list.

I don’t think this new playstyle is going to draw as many people to it as OW1 did on its first 3 years. If anything, it is going to turn more players away, imo. I already watched ~100 OW friends disappear and never return to playing after RQ hit. What does that mean for the community if half the support roster is a free kill? Much longer queue times 'cause nobody is going to want to play a role that they aren’t having fun on, as seen by the tank role.

But go on and tell me about how you don’t care about the queue times (nor health of the game) and you don’t think it’s going to affect you.

I’ll just do something else

And what of those people who won’t be willing to sit in 10+ minute queues? They are going to find something else to play with less wait, thus making queue times worse.

TL;DR The game has to be balanced ALL around. No role should be left behind for “BUT MUH KILLS”


My whole point is that currently support is balanced minus Zen.
Ow1 was grossly overpowered

Whats your frame of reference for this?

The original post is another amazing example of the kind of human that insults the waitstaff at a restaurant and then wonder why their food tastes funny. I applaud you for trying to point out the obvious, but they’re not gonna get it.


Or they’re just playing dps. Because who wants to play support obviously you guys don’t. :roll_eyes: