Blizzard doesn't want you to have fun with your friends?

Assembled a 5 stack of RL friends with ranks ranging from silver 5 to gold 5 to maybe have a fun night of gaming together. 20 minute queue times to get rolled in 4 minutes in QP. We played 3 games that took about an hour of queue time. Fun night, What an awful game.


blizzard places 5 stacks against other 5 stacks of similar ranks


You’re kidding? The more you know Rainbow Meme

well since you guys got rolled within 4 minutes, there could have been smurfs on the other 5 stack

Stacks shouldn’t face solo players. Stacks should only face stacks.


Yea, All those highly organized silver stacks… Give me a break. The only advantage is being in voice chat together trying to have a good time which anyone can do stack or not.

its still an advantage over non stack silvers


What’s the advantage? Team names being green?

communication is pretty advantageous in low elo


anyone can communicate.

but a majority of silvers and low elo dont communicate


Not my problem and not deserving of 20 min queue time.

ok then, but im not the one who decides, go complain to blizz not me lol


I’m just making an observation about the game I’m not expecting a change. I just think this game is awful to play with your friends. It’s just a statement.

i have played in 5 stacks before in comp, only once did we have queue times of 20 minutes, but after that it was sub 5 minutes and we rolled the other team

This (along with many other bad choices) is why competitive mode is in a long rut.

Serious players were asking for years for the devs to implement a guild/clan system because that’s how you play multiplayer team based shooters. People want to stack with friends and players they know.

Not constantly do random maps with random teammates.

We know your pain Op. That’s why many of my friends left. It took way too long in ranked for us to find a match as a stack.

The devs for some reason are stuck in 80s style design for multiplayer. Thinking only LAN players meet to stack or something.

But for some reason despite it being asked, this team doesn’t want to let us play like Owl did.

wasnt it a quickplay match?

:clap: :clap: :clap: Well I just did 3 games in a row with 20 minute queue times. It’s not fun and to think a low rank 5 stack has any sort of advantage outside of being in VC together which anyone can do is ludicrous. Yes QP

Communication does have a significant advantage in low elo, quickplay or competitive
waiting 20 minutes for each game is ridiculous though, did you play during peak hours?

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Just because you are in a stack doesn’t mean you are anymore organized than 5 random people especially in low ranks and in QP.