Blizzard confirms forced 50/50

Of course they word it in this way to hide the obvious. The logical extension of this is if you are on a win streak you are more likely to get these players on your team. So losers queue is now a confirmed feature. The devs are so tone deaf and incompetent they have zero shame in revealing this.


In a way, yes. They’re directly making it so that players on loss streaks are more likely to win. It’s not 50/50 but it’s very slight rigging. I’m not against it either.


How can you not be? Are you against competitive integrity?


No, competitive integrity is very important. The thing is that every game you play has matches that have teams which are ‘statistically calculated to have a lower chance of winning’. This is counterbalanced by different amounts of SR gain, sometimes even specifically brought up by the silly tags like ‘Reversal’ or ‘Uphill Battle’. It’s not a perfect system, and I believe matchmaking should be better, but regardless you’re never going to find the perfectly balanced teams.

Whether or not you’ve realized it, this has been something in OW and every other competitive game since day 1. For example if you were to queue a team that averaged 2700 SR and the enemy team averaged 2701 SR, you would be unfavored. I think it’s fair to lean players who have had a rough go at it to be on the team with slightly more SR to even out their luck. They can still lose.


Yeah, this actually is rigging. Although, you have to lose multiple games before the matchmaker becomes biased in your favour. And even then, it doesn’t put you in unlosable games - just ones that will give you the “Expected” modifier if you win.

It also confirms that they’ve only just started to do this. If I had spent multiple years claiming there was a “forced 50% winrate”, I’d be feeling a little embarrassed right now.


It’s not forced if you’re good

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Your legs must be hella strong with the way you jumped to that conclusion :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The 50% win rate rule only applies to QuickPlay, and it is absolutely fair for casual gaming

Competitive is free, but in time, anyone will eventually hit their average rank in which they won’t win more games than the ones they lose

Now putting up a lobby where you know the odds and who is more likely to win, is really a no brainer

Its pretty basic for any competitive game and sports

The issue is that the rank appreciation is too wide

You can literally go from Masters to Plat in one single game for the algorithm

And that’s why you have lossing streaks

The problem is that you are not going to Plat after you went full dwerp the game before, the player is going to experience tons of loses until they finally reach that rank; so the player can also justify being now in Plat

In addition, it also incentives playing more to get back up.
Sounds pretty epic, but reality is that it only creates faster burn out for the competitors

Blizzard knows this, and many are still wondering why OW1 died

To be perfectly honest, its been ages since I don’t care about comp anymore.
The model is trash, and not worth my time in particular. But when Devs see the numbers dropping and queue times skyrocketing, they just patch whatever is needed to bump what’s lacking behind

Like changing specific heroes or an overall role. Even announcing Comp2.0

I don’t even read ranked changed on any patch since… season 5? xD

Its all the same

They are just coming with made up words to explain little by little what everyone already knows

And funnily enough, reversal if you don’t. So if you’re in a lose streak you might actually start to drop faster. Which is a good thing


I prefer this patch. The previous one is too dam hard to grind because they always put you into the same level as yours every game (real 50/50). There is no need to get an intense match every game. If this patch, you can climb back easily if you lost some game. Btw just need few more time to test it out. But last night I played it seems pretty good tho.

They won’t be, because they will just say it has been happening forever, and have no shame.


The problem is that the opposite of this is necessarily true. That if you win a bunch of games, you will have to be skewed towards the expected loss.

Because if you skew one side towards expected wins, the other side necessarily gets skewed towards expected loss. You can’t have one without the other. And I think that’s kind of problematic tbh.

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It actually isn’t at all.

Technically everyone who isn’t on a losing streak is more likely to get these players on their team. Being on a winning streak doesn’t matter outside of that meaning you are not on a losing streak.

Still bad, though. Even if it’s just slightly, it’s EOMM by definition.

Edit: Wait, is that even true? You are more likely to get them in your games, but the chances to get them in your team is lower than getting them on the enemy team, isn’t it? Because there are 5 people who could be on a losing streak on the enemy team but only 4 who could be on a losing streak on your team :thinking: The chances are higher that you’re playing against them, which means you’re playing at a disadvantage.

Yes, it is.

Let’s say you have 100 players. Under the old system, statistically, 50% would be in preferred wins and 50% in preferred losses, regardless of any other factors. You have a 50% chance to be in one or the other.

Under the new system, let’s say 30 of them are on loss streaks. Those 30 now get preferred wins. This means there’s only 20 preferred wins remaining, split among 70 players. So now, instead, if you’re NOT on a loss streak, your chance of getting a preferred win goes from 50% in the old system to just 28% in the new system.

No matter what the actual numbers are, that’s how it works. You only have 50% of your games as preferred wins, so if you favor people who lose for preferred wins, you MUST favor people who win for preferred losses.

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You’re exactly correct. It’s the age old “if you never leave games, you’re 20% more likely to have a leaver on the enemy team than your own team” argument. Except flipped here, because if you’re not in a losing streak, you’re 20% more likely to see it on the enemy team. Also compounding with the issue that you’re being favored for losing matches.

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… they said long ago that matches start with a specific % based on all of the team member’s current estimated chances of winning (which is already a HUGE “guess”), so yeah, if the match is Team A (52%) vs Team B (48%), they will try to get the players on a loss streak in team B … which would also affect the odds.

Conspiracy theories are running hardcore here lol. Pretty sure some people unironically think that they are starting matches with 80/20 or something :rofl:


They didnt confirm it, they implemented a new thing partially because of the “force 50/50” crew were getting upset about loss streaks and coming up with conspiracies.

Ironically, this new feature actually does create enforced wins and losses.

Dude i been saying its been forced 50/50 for years now how anyone could not see this rigged crap match making is beyond me lol i could not believe people were so dumb and argued against it.


It’s impossible to make every game totally balanced. There is often a team slightly more likely to win. It’s obvious. They already made it public when they changed how competitive worked to give more SR when you win despite being in the less likely to win team.
But the thing is… Most people are very inconsistent. I’ve avoided players because I thought they were terrible and next game they did a decent job.