Blizzard confirmed that individual skill has no bearing

the way they worded it is a lil weird tbh

because they go from simply mentioning stats to saying "performance’ and those two things are not the same.

stats were never a good way to determine someones performance and blizzard knows that because they figured it out in early overwatch and changed the matchmaker several times because of it.

the fact is, without some sort of performanced based information, the mmr of smurfs couldnt climb as fast as we have seen.

necros towards the middle of season 1 did an unranked to gm, and he placed in like gold. and was playing against gold/plats, by the time he hit plat/diamond he was in GM lobbies.

that fundamentally cannot happen if there isnt something in there that tells them this person is significantly better then the rank they are currently in.

but this doesnt mean blizzard lied, just that they only told half a truth. i have no doubt that ur dmg numbers or total elims have no effect on your mmr or sr gains.

dont forget that in the blog post the question they used it exclusively mentioned “scoreboard stats

You get a post count like that because you enjoy talking nonsense on the forum instead of playing the game.

Man, you’re so worked up. Go have a rest my guy.


The joy of modern maths, we don’t use ELO any more, we use things MUCH closer to a binary search.

Typically it takes very few matches to get someone into the right area.

I can find the video of the person who write Blizzard’s original OW matchmaker talking though what has changed there.

It is pretty good, and explains a lot.

Here it is.

That man is the guy who build the overwatch matchmaker, and is talking though how they quickly get to the right MMR without using in game stats.

It is a super interesting talk.

And the maths have only gotten better since he gave it.

But basically this is why they don’t use “skill stats” any more, and why it can land someone with an MMR in GM in 5 games or so.

It’s REALLY quick now. I had to rewrite the Rusalka matchmaker because of the new maths.


even so there has to be something in there that tells them that a person is performing alot better then someone else in that rank because otherwise their mmr wouldnt shoot up so quickly.

i originally thought it was wins/losses streaks but that doesnt seem to be it either.

even if the matchmaker is using lets say “BLO” instead of ELO it still need some sort of metric to say “hey this guy is performing well above where his mmr says he should be, lets bump it up a little and see how he plays.”

Yeah, basically the matchmaker scales up MMR really quickly on a run of wins.

Yes, win streaks. The systems got so good that people basically abandoned “stat based MMR” like across the entire industry.

I’m explaining how matchmakers changed, because you know, that is an area I am VERY familiar with.

You go to a doctor, and they are likely to talk medical stuff.

If you want to keep throwing shade, go read the post they gave, and show me where I am wrong.

You’re probably on Blizzard payroll, with the goal of gaslighting. I don’t doubt your ability to form a conversation to fit your narrative. You’ve given your input, will you ever stop posting? I doubt it.

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Wow, you really are doing a speed run on crazy conspiracy stuff.

The term conspiracy theory was created by the CIA, to use it exactly as you just did, to discredit.


They said personal performance doesn’t affect MMR. I don’t recall them saying anything about whether its relationship with SR has changed, but I could’ve missed that.

see idk how true this is because ive seen ppl do unranked to gm on fresh accounts, and lose the first few matches and even go like 7-2 or 7-3 and still have a massive boost to there mmr inspite of this. and it wont even be 3 losses then 7 wins, it’ll be like 2 wins, 1 loss, 2 wins 1 loss, 2 wins 1 loss, 1 win. kinda thing.

thats why i used the on fire system as an example in a previous most. because its not technically based on k/d or dmg per 10. but its instead based on what you do in a given moment to hit the “on fire” state and then what you do too maintain it.

we know on-fire still exists in overwatch because ull sometimes hear your teammates voice lines after a team fight.

so its actually very possible that that system or something similar is being used to measure “performance”.

in the video he talks about how you dont want someone that you predict to win 75% of matches to win 90%. but that doesnt tell you how they predicted that first 75% in the first place, maybe they do later in the video but im fairly early into it right now.

They talk about how quickly it lands, he goes into it more in the course he runs. I’d say it is worth it, but honestly, it crazy expensive, and only worth it if you are building your own matchmaker, or trying to tune one like trueskill 2 or the like.

Discussing what? Blizzards lie? pfff…

If they would listen to people with hig post numbers, maybe we would still have old ranked system and them focusing on doing something more productive than fixing current one. They would also remove map pools day it was introduced not after so long.

well that’s how rigging works. even if they disabled match making manipulation, who honestly thought that any game could thrive in a, non individual performance based environment. beyond fantasy. as reflected by exodus. it takes pick to push. it takes pick to stop a push. therefore, that is the measurement of effectiveness and productivity. so yes, individual skill is the root of progress or failure. provided rigging is disabled. since exodus has already manifest, its a bit late for devs to wake up i suppose.

If the individual performance is not a factor… then rank is just unfun mode. Its toxic because players are always placed in stomp games.

That’s probably why you’re silver.

Stats are useful but aren’t the whole picture. It’s an objective based game. anything that contributes more towards the objective is what matters. If I’m in a game where two people are constantly after me because they don’t like my $20 skin, I’m going to bait them away from the fight and away from the objective. Lol at them chasing me around while the rest of my team enjoy a 4v3 steamroll. Maybe I’ll end the game with the most deaths, and lowest numbers. Who cares. It won the game.

And if your first thought is “stats are what matter” when you play comp games and should know they’re just a part of the picture in a team objective based game, maybe, just maybe, start thinking at a deeper level in your games.

“I understand the nuances of battle, and I agree some stats are meaningless.” I said this.

You presume a lot.

I did not say: “stats are what matter” as you quoted. It’s laughable that you think players are chasing you because of your skin. I understand that I’m speaking with a bunch of underdeveloped brainiac know-it-alls when I’m on this forum.

I read what you said, and even quoted it so people can read what you said.

And I pointed out why, in your contrived example, it would not matter nor mean that you did better.

Obviously setting up a system encouraging people to chase stats instead of the objective is bad for an objective based game, because bad players who don’t play the objective but chase stats will be elevated, and good players that play to win even if it means not chasing stats will be pushed down.

There’s nothing braniac about that. It’s actually very simple.