Blizzard being hypocritical about skins

Why are they choosing to give everything back now?
Like collecting skins has no value at all?
They decided to give back all the skins from OWL now and LEGENDARY weeks ago…
What is the point than printing more money …
But at the same time i bet they will go full fomo on the f2p game for the skins and give you no chance to retrieve them in the future just like they did in ow1
You are a bunch of scammer lined with hypocrites!

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Oh no! someone else got a copy of your pixels!

Honestly skins in Overwatch have no prestige.


That’s your opinion thanks for sharing it tho

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Inventing reasons to be mad :white_check_mark:


Did they ever? (besides a personal value to the owner of the acc) :thinking: :upside_down_face:


I’m not mad at them, but i hope they will do the same for their new paid skins in ow2 and not playing it fomo :clown_face:

The time you put on, the investment, the fact that you were there when the event came out but other didn’t because left the game :clown_face: :ok_hand:

…yeah I noted personal investment, if that’s ‘value’ to you? It means little to me personally sorry… :frowning:

That’s your opinion and i respect it thank you for sharing it tho

Artificial scarcity is the absolute scammiest scam.

They’ll be limited until more money can be made off of them or they need to build hype for their next FOMO machine.

have you been paying attention to nearly every single other decision they’ve made about the game?


I mean I don’t know 'nore care) about OWL skin. but it was an obvious decision for the event skins. They always came back each years and for halloween so doing a group shot before stoping those event cycle is the things to do.

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That’s my whole point there, and they will not do the same for the paid skins
So scummy

OW1 skins never really had any value because everyone had them anyway. OW2 will have skins every season that will be locked so they get rarer and rarer the more seasons go by.

Some of them were, until they decided to free them again

It reminded me of this

Erm … sure.
You do know, however, that every virtual scarcity is made up, right? Or Artificial. Like anything ever made in videogames, can be replicated if someone wants to replicate it it can be done.

Thats a lot of “scam” right there :thinking:

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I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BUTTHURT YOU GATEKEEPING SOB. Oh no, someone has the chance to get the pixels you have! RIOT lmao.


Imo the only thing that is hard to get is t500 sprays and icons. Especially before RQ where combined and open queue are often diamond.

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Answer: the licenses do not belong to him.

A lot of people have no idea (and often the content creators don’t specify it) but the OWL is a committee that organizes e-sports … but it is 100% a customer who pays blizzard to get the use of the game on the e-sport level. BLizzard makes money in advertising the game and in the figures that the e-sports committee must give to organize e-sports (including the various teams that want to become part of the OWL by hiring pro-players from the contenders circuit). The OWL instead earns thanks to the sale of tokens, merchandise, sponsors, etc. It is no coincidence that there have been several complaints about the economic conditions of pro players to participate in away matches following the absence of sponsors. Some teams have made contacts with private sponsors, and often derived from other games they deal with (the team that owns the LA gladiators also has e-sports teams in the Valorant tournament). You can search the word “debt OW league” online for more details on how it works.

And this is where your question comes in: why are OWL skins returning? and the answer is: because it is the OWL committee that requests it to get more chances of seeing new people willing to spend their token leagues and recover old skins. Or prevent people from just accumulating tokens for future skins forever. Blizzard is only the owner of the store, but the supplier is the e-sports committee which must earn enough to be able to afford a profit.

I can also give you a better example with Bastion Brick, whose co-owner is LEGO which currently has little sympathy for Blizzard after the discovery of the scandals. That’s why we didn’t see its skin challenge during the anniversary. Brigitte Medic skin probably also needs Twitch’s clearance. it is the OWL committee that asks to propose again their skins. even if we honestly don’t know what skins it will select will be in this vault.

Not everything in video games is being sold at a premium because it’s “rare” though.

The idea that something is valuable because a company has simply stopped the virtual machine that makes it for no cost and that alone is worth money is a gigantic scam.


What is being sold as premium here in OW that is given now at a different price though?
Afaik they are giving the option to buy skins for the same price. Isnt that way?

I understood that in the first place, but do you understand that technically everything that is virtual, sold in a videogame would be considered a “gigantic scam” by that logic?

Its kinda weird that theres only 1 bar and anything under that is a “gigantic scam”. Because they could literally replicate Widow’s Noire skin for example and sell it again.

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Sounds like a You problem…

I know right, so tired of anything that involves monetization on any level, is “a scam”. As usual people just invoke it when they just don’t like something these days that offends their sensibilities often.