Blizzard being hypocritical about skins

In this case the fact that it’s being sold for money and FOMO’d for value is the part that makes it different than say the “rare” drops that everyone can get in an MMO.

If such objects ONLY derived their value from the fact they were rare? Yes.

The thing is that if you want to take my statement in black and white terms… then sure… you can go ahead and be disingenuous about it… or you can understand why I personally find artificial scarcity for paid items a scam.

This is not what I meant, or said.

No, but its just a general problem on the forums it seems. Everything is a “scam”; timetables change, features changes, skins and events, all “scams” based on “FOMO”.

People rail about having to win 10 matches to earn a skin, it’s a “FOMO scam” because they could not log in then or some nonsense. it just gets very old the complaining and using that term when it doesn’t make sense.

FOMO is life folks.

It’s funny you say that because F2P will be the player whos not spending anything against the one who spend their entire paycheck and can gate keep skins even more :joy:

If by general problem you mean “some people say this”.

Some people also say that we should be absolutely ecstatic to throw up as much money as possible to show our support for this game because the company NEEDS it.

So since I didn’t say it. or mean it and you UNDERSTAND I didn’t… why relate it to the conversation?

I play games to get away from real life. many people do. Is it any wonder people dislike when real life problems get artificially jammed into games?

I have tokens saved from watching you funny kid

I’m not talking only about OWL bozo :clown_face:

Its literally said in 2/3 of the discussions on any move that Blizzard might in some way benefit from.

It’s still a business kiddo.

:exploding_head: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I muted you now since you seem to not be totally there.

Different vehicles, same route, same destination.

… which includes everything. Something can be rare because not many people were able to obtain it because of that being time gated or because theres an RNG 0.1% to get it.

Not really much nuance there mate, unless you want to pretend that for some reason, an RNG drop with 0,1% being “rare” and something being “rare” because it was a time limited offer are totally different. But ok :+1:

My point is, no matter what, both “scarcities” or “rareness” are artificial, therefore both fall under your statement, therefore applying that logic, everything virtual on a videogame is “Artificially rare” or scarce.


OH no! anyway…
As if I care a rando muted me

By the same people. Just like the same trolls are in every pro OW2 thread commenting on how they’re being “persecuted”.

… I’m likely as old if not older than you and I think we’ve established that. Stop.

Yes, it’s a business. That doesn’t change that people crowbarring real life cashgrab stupidity into it sucks.

Nope. Not at all. A rare item in an MMO has value (usually) beyond it’s difficulty to acquire and almost all the time is available for as long as you wish to put in the time to get it.

But that is not the reason it’s a scam. It would be a scam if the item were purely of value because it’s restricted, much like several skins are and admittedly people say all the time they would not have bought them if they knew everyone could get them.

Oh right… you. I had kind of forgotten what talking to you was like. No matter what you want to be right and will continue to take the conversation in the way that makes you “right”.

I’m like… 3 posts away from ignoring your responses because they’re never productive.





I assure you are not. Just turned 57.

That’s commerce in action.

You really don’t act like it. Or maybe my perception of late 50’s people just is skewed. You use far too much hip internet speak and tropes in my opinion.

EDIT: … you also edit like a zoomer. Like you cannot WAIT to get what you want down so you hit post then you KEEP going and edit the rest of what you want to say in.

It doesn’t have to be and people complaining have a valid point.

All of these aside from the date of birth apply to me. FFFSTOP EDITING ARGH!

I am chronically online. I work in IT. I still cringe hard when someone my age says something IS cringe instead of saying that they cringe at the thought of it.

Now it’s “BET” and “DRIP” (yes I know drip is old)… It’s worth knowing the language to see if the super high voice in the VC is insulting me but use it? Shoot me first.

I am surrounded by Zoomers and Millenials, and I monitor for lingo. But yep, born in 1965, first game rig - Atari 2600 in oh, I think 1978. There are OG gamers… then there are OG Gamers… I recall when PC’s had no sound cards, no video accelerators, and so on. Hell I remember before PC’s… well before.

It’s a sport looking up all their “dank memes” and so on. I work in IT which helps.

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FOMO is an anti consumer practice and the fact that they are demonstrating that they are not used anti consumer practices is a positive not a negative.

How do you know that it will be the same for ow2?

Kinda weird distinction to make tbh. Prestige titles are one thing but RNG locked items are worse imho. I farmed rares and dungeon/raid mounts, I know that.

I agree that putting an item for a time limited value, claiming its “now or never” and then releasing them back is a scam. Time limited items are not a scam though.

Right back at ya buddy, you are the one who threw the blanket statement not me.

See? It wasnt hard at all. IDK why some people get so worked up the moment someone challenges a claim … on a discussion forum :thinking:


I would absolutely love it if you never quoted or replied to a post of mine again. Yes.

Because you’re challenging pedantic and superficial garbage.

You dont control my forum usage mate, but thanks for the suggestion.

Wops someone is triggered. Forums have tools, if you dont like anyone discussing your posts, you should use them. Its all said and done now.

I tire of people being disingenuous argument hounds who need to win. Thank you I will.