Blizzard As A Company Is Falling Apart

First of all, if you’re a Blizzard employee and have been working on Overwatch since the beginning, thank you. Thank you for staying on as long as you have.

A lot about the internal problems at Blizzard has come out with the announcement of Diablo Immortal and how big of a disconnect was clearly apparent between Blizz and their fans.

The same is happening to Overwatch. With Activision slowly spreading through Blizzard like the tumor that it is, we’ve heard reports that game developers aren’t getting paid what they used to and are leaving en masse.

Overwatch over the last couple of months has seen a drastic decrease in feedback from the devs. This is probably in part due to all the employees leaving the company. No matter how many times they say they are, they aren’t listening. It’s readily apparent. Our opinions are mattering less and less.

Blizzard, thank you for not making Cosmetics completely locked behind a pay wall. Being able to play for the skins is nice. I’m sorry it hasn’t made Overwatch quite as profitable over the last few quarters as your investors would like it to be, and that Overwatch will likely never be as profitable again since the game is aging and players are moving on to different pastures.

But there are still some of us here. Please don’t forsake us. It feels like the beginning of the end with a lot of the design choices you’ve been implementing. Ashe wasn’t the hero the game needed. Your balances to the game have been few and far between, and often either not enough or too little. Your reworks have alienated some of the older players. There are still quite a few bugs that have never been fully addressed. The game may seem stable, but there are a lot of little cracks. As Activision grows over onto Blizzard’s side, I’m deeply afraid those little cracks are going to keep breaking open, getting larger and larger. The people at Blizzard that would have stopped the cracks from growing are gone.

This is it, friends. Activision is an iceberg, and Blizzard has all ready hit it. All we can do now is wait. Let’s go down as gentlemen. Grabs violin


Yeah, there is a bunch of stuff about employees having to throw in to rent a house together because blizz is basically taking advantage of people who think it’s a dream to work there. People figure it out and leave for a job that pays enough to live.
Tons of info out there if you look.


Awe don’t give up on OW yet. I think Blizzard/Activision is slowly starting to realize the mistakes they’re making (hopefully, fingers crossed) and will try to go back to the whole “small indie Blizzard games for gamers made by gamers” reputation (especially considering how disastrous Blizzcon was and how it affected their stocks).


I’m less concerned with Blizzard specifically as I think there is still hope/time to redeem but what is more alarming is when you look at all of what is happening in the gaming world. Loot box drama, Fallout 76 drama, game news coverage is mostly a joke. I’m not trying to downplay the whole Diablo Immortal thing, and I definitely have feelings about Battle for Azeroth. I think we are just in a weird turning point for gaming in general and it’ll be interesting to see how it turns out.


My hope for blizz sorta died after that travesty at blizzcon… i know which one xD. Them spending the entire whats next panel talking about how amazing they are for creating Ashe was ridiculous.


Yeah :frowning: especially the artists I feel like. They outsource a lot of their stuff and never give any of the artists any credit.

It especially became apparent in the developer updates when they’ve taken credit for a lot of the stuff that’s pubically known to be outsourced on the art station portfolios, or when they talked about Brigitte’s design without crediting nesskain who made her in the original comic (who has since been hired by blizzard).

The way they treat the artists really annoys me tbh.


Their “best” developers are working on mobile games. Games where any other developer picks B-Team members.

This statement says a LOT about the state of Bli$$ard. Team “we failed” Titan is working on products like Overwatch and they really believe gamers have no sense to detect incompetence.


Blizzard has been dying slowly, and theres really no coming back for them. I think at this point Activision is putting on a charade to keep Blizzard fanboys happy, but when they say something like “Our best Developers are working on mobile games” it shows me Blizzard is gone


I’m still amazed there hasn’t been a real Warcraft game in 16 years. I’ve loved Blizzard since the original Warcraft but WoW is garbage in my opinion, and now they are just remastering a 16 year old game instead of making a new one.


Well theres news on a new warcraft game they are working…Sadly its mobile, and in the style of pokemon go.

This was confirmed. I’m sadly not joking


Hey, hey, hey…don’t worry, most of their top devs are working on turning all their IPs into mobile games. That’s what PC/console gamers want, right?


I think it is the AAA video game market that is dying. The video game market is over-saturated.


I admire your optimism. I think it’s quite unlikely Blizzard will turn it around and even if they do, it’s going to take a lot bad games.


We are due for another crash.

There are a lot of unsustainable business practices, and with the FTC looking at loot boxes based on the UK findings, it’s looking like big changes are gonna happen for the industry regardless if Triple A game publishers prepare or not.


I usually ignore or mock these type of doomsday criers, but OP is actually right, when Jason Schreier reports on it, you know it’s legit. Low pay for employees, a push towards mobile market, etc

But I choose to remain hopeful. There’s a glimmer of hope for Diablo 4 (according to the same aforementioned article), and there’s still so much potential for Overwatch if they actually make story content or permanent pve stuff or more animated shorts




When Lost Ark is available for western gamers, nobody will even talk about D4. Bli$$ard will just do another panic reboot and sleep for another 6 years while counting WoW stocks.

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It could be worse, this could be Bethesda and Fallout76.

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If the article is anything to believe, I’m absurdly hyped for D4 due to them saying it will be a grittier, darker, more bleak setting comparative to D2, and less cartoony fantasy that D3 is

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You believe any of that after witnessing D3?