Blizzard As A Company Is Falling Apart

No. As long as people are okay with their actions and blindly defend them, they will always be successful. I mean… This is Activision we are talking about, a company that is at least twice as bad as EA with half the criticism. They are doing something correct and hiding behind Blizzard’s goodwill was definitely one of those things.


Is there ANY Activision product, that’s not pure shjt?


Yes, Overwatch.


Overwatch has its issues. One simple one is despite this being a new Blizzard IP we are severely lacking in lore on it. I still don’t know why they canceled that big comic book they had planned. Even if they were going to have to retcon some of that later it would of been better than nothing

Its very obvious that it wasn’t at all ready for E-Sports for example and that they just did it for money. They also killed off a lot of local player made E-Sports to make OWL which is really shady. There is also the fact that they included lootboxes in a full priced game which is pretty greedy. Blizzard isn’t really a company that is strapping for cash.

While I am excited for Echo the rest of Blizzcon was a massive disappointment. I knew the Blizzard I knew was gone but the sheer amount of unawareness in that Diablo segment was shocking. I am not even a fan of Diablo and that caught me off guard. That was something EA would do and has done before.


This is why I don’t understand all the pro scene hate here, I don’t particularly like how OWL is set up, but if it tanks, the game goes with it.


I’m not a business insider but from what I have read and seen in videos it doesn’t look good inside, I don’t imagine we’ll get anything from Jeff Kaplin as far as the state of things, morale, etc.

We’ll just have to wait and see who comes and goes. Otherwise, its all speculation.

Do you have any evidence?

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huh? what do you think entails “the end” here? do you think that a game like overwatch can simply just cease existing? you are incredibly naive, if blizzard were to “fall apart” the IPs would be sold to other companies or in any case, activision would completely own the game in which case nothing would change, development might take a different turn but in order for this game to actually die they would need to do something incredibly drastic

Look, games like paladins stay afloat just fine and they barely scratch the bottom of the barrel, there is no reason why Overwatch would simply die just because activision has empty pockets, they will not axe the project just like that

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Yes, all D4 is running on…is fan’s belief at this point, we have to keep faith or it will truly die as a series

Yup, at least Blizz told us that they are going to be bad.
Bethesda just reskin Fallout 4, add a bunch of microtrans and no refund policy AND BOOM, Fallout 76.

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I liked the line “our best devs are working on the mobile game”

In reality your best devs left and went to work somewhere else, maybe not even in gaming.


You’re right, the IP would still be here, but it’d be a metaphorical death. That turn you mention is something I see as akin to death, because the game we know and love would probably very much be dead at that point. The disemboweled body of OW will live on, but it’ll be as Franksenstein’s monster, and fans will likely not want to be its friend.

Maybe, just maybe… paladins devs are interacting with their players? So they are still going strong because they knew what the players like? While blizzard… well…

Here’s diablo on mobile!!!
What, You guys don’t have phones?


It’s all about greed . Few people in the game companies work there because they love it.
The game directors are like ,quick, hurry, do this do that ,make a cool trailer and lets get them cash.
Game companies bought by rich bastards,ruined afterwards.


It’s the easiest and cheapest way to make the most money :slight_smile:

Activision is only looking for profits. Employees get less money paid and more and more are working on mobile games, because mobile games mean less effort for much money.

That’s why me and many other people on the Diablo forums cheered the falling Activision-Blizzard stock.


Incoming the age of mobile games.

“PC games failed when we gutted their production budgets, but mobile doesn’t have this issue!”

Honestly, as someone who doesn’t know a ton about the industry, I think PC gamers will be relying on mid-sized companies for good games in the future; all the corporate shareholder AAA studios will be forced to make cheap mobile casino garbage.

Whew, that was a lot of venting.

I’m sad now… :disappointed:


Burn it all down.


Mobile games are the worst. I refuse to play them besides maybe solitaire. Updates and game requirements go up. Better go get that new galaxy or iPhone for 1000$

Where’s my Blizzard when they actually had teams for their games. :frowning:

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I think they’re definitively in a decline but I doubt it will affect Overwatch.

I thought Diablo Immortal was outsourced? They basically just sold a slice of the IP.

The PC developers are still in PC development.