Blizzard actually listened

They do. But commonly when they respond they get flooded with tons of off-topic issues in that thread proceeding to derail the entire thing. Go look at most of Jeff’s posts on the forums.

He’ll address an issue, like say about Doomfist. And then get barraged with people quoting him and asking about Sombra, Mercy, Torbjorn, Hanzo, etc. etc. completely derailing the entire post.

Not to mention they only seem to work on a few large things at the same time. So heroes that require a lot of attention get put in a queue until its their turn.

That, of course, upsets people because Blizzard isn’t prioritizing what some people feel is more important. But that is going to be true for anything Blizzard does. They could address Mercy and focus on improving her “fun” factor and it would upset some Sombra/Doomfist mains for not focusing on their hero ahead of time.

Blizzard is currently working on Torb. That’s their focus. Heroes that require extra attention will come after.


They had a list awhile ago about what they were going to take a look at, it started with all of the F tier heroes and ended at Torb. The only hero not there was Bastion. Of course I’m biased and all but everybody else who mains F tier heroes got an answer. We didn’t. We’re not even on the list of “in the future” changes. All of the heroes were F tier which leads me to believe they don’t like that type of hero, just plain bad. Even if they work in one area it’s still counterable so really that spot doesn’t matter. What am I even supposed to think when every other hero with the same qualities that they are obviously trying to fix get fixed or are getting fixed and they even got an answer about 2 reworks behind other heroes (I believe the list was given out before they even worked on Hanzo and Torb was still on there)

Everybody but Bastion in the same classification that they’re trying to fix got an answer way ahead of time.

In this case I feel like it’s a lot past “my issue is more important” and into a massive inconsistency that’s lasted for about a year and a half. They obviously had enough time to rework Hanzo Sombra and Sym and are currently working on Torb in that time all while also working on making Hammond so it’s obviously not their resource allocation that’s the issue. 3 reworks are out of the way and they’re not working on 2 major projects at once, only Torb, and yet they still do nothing.

Sorry for the rants in the form of several walls of text.

It makes perfect sense that they put reworks as a lower priority than new content. New content keeps players coming back and gets people talking about the game. Youtubers make videos, Game Informer puts out articles, and so on.

Bastion getting a rework doesn’t get that.

So you can imagine tackling a process that in some cases (Like Sym’s) is basically making a new hero all together isn’t something they make their top priority.

This is likely especially true since the interview in the latest Game Informer stated they have 4 new heroes in the works currently. Which indicates they are working on 4 new heroes at a time internally.

So I’m guessing it is simply that reworking a F tier Hero is just a low priority task for them.

maybe they don’t want to overhype us after the dissapointment that was summer games because last time someone overhyped a game and made the expectations high ended up lying

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When I made the post, I was trying to speak in generalities.

There’s been a small handful of Mercy’s that aren’t on this whole train. They’re such a minority that they’re not really even a full 1%. I think I’ve counted 3? Against the countless other Mercy’s that just continue to scream for a revert and ignore everything Blizzard has said on the issue. They’ve primarily gone as far as to discount a direct response as ‘not addressing the problem’ when maybe the players don’t even know what the problem is.

Blizzard could see that her problem is her consistent dominance across multiple metas for over a year. The players could see it as Rez. Not just rez as an ability but the lack of mass rez being the issue. There’s simply no rebuttal to this, not only because Blizzard has stated that they’re not going to put it back (They literally said a revert is off the table), but also because it’s not fun for either team to have Mercy use the ability. Not only did it promote a “suicide” playstyle of allies, but also undid the work of the entire enemy team.

“But every ultimate ability is unfun” is what they say to this argument. But when it comes down to it, there’s no ultimate ability that actively promotes the death of allies while making it unfun for the enemy team. I’m not sure if these Mercy’s understand the fundamentals of game design, but death in a game is supposed to be a punishment for bad gameplay. It’s almost never instantly undone by something that someone else has.

It promotes a ‘suicide’ gamestyle that makes the game unfun for everyone and even more rage endusing for allies that don’t end up getting rezed everytime they die and a Mercy is on the team.

Good riddance to that ability. I’m glad it’s gone.

Next time a mob like this happens, take a while and try to see both sides. See why the change happened and take a more in-depth look at everything. It’s not difficult to see the psychology and gameplay behind this if you just look a little bit.

ubi made like six characters for Rainbow six siege since the beginning of this year.
And they’re gonna make two more.

but yet bugs that have been here for a while have yet to be fixed like genji’s ghost dash, double ghost dash,

And when they rework characters, they make him pretty bad.

But yet here comes ubi and r6 with six new characters and the year isnt even up.

So no, dont pat them on the back for mediocrity when other companies roughly the same size and income do MORE than them in the same mount of time.

I mean , yeah , most of the ultimates are frustrating , but at least they have a counter , which Mass Rez had but then was buffed…

And for the part that you said that only less than 1% of the Mercy player base doesn’t want a revert is kinda … strange.
I mean , the forums are used by half of the entire OW player base. So you don’t know what the entire player base would want. The same goes for Mercy mains/players.
If I’m being complete honest , I’m a former Mercy main and I don’t want Mass Rez to ever come back , even if it seems as the most balanced thing to do for Mercy. Why?
Because I don’t think a powerful Ultimate like Mass Rez should promote suicides etc. “But Mass Rez was balanced before the Invulnerability buff” - I mean it kinda was , but Mercy was bad and I don’t want her to be bad/ F-tier.

Instead of asking for a revert , why don’t you/we ask for a rework - but this time the rework would add more fun and skill to Mercy. Now , You might wonder how would can that be even possible?
Let’s start with the easy part - Let’s make her staff work like Moira’s secondary fire. I mean - It will feel better and will add more skill than holding one button for a certain amount of period.
Then , we can continue with Rez. Now ,now , this will be a hard one but I’ll try to make it easy and understandable. Ressurect - E-ability , works like Torb’s Armor packs but it charges with how much healing you’ve done. For example : 1000 healing done will grant you one charge of ressurect. You can decide whether you wanna use it or keep stacking it. How would the stacking work?
If you use Rez , and you have more charges , You can still use them but after a certain amount of period , let’s say 20-30 seconds after you used Ressurect. That way It would be more fun to use because You’ll basically work for it then just use it every 30 seconds. And I personally don’t know why it’s so hard to do.
Then we go the next thing - Valkyrie. Ah , Valkyrie - the ultimate that can basically AFK during it’s duration and still be effective. Honestly , I haven’t thought about any changes about it but I’m sure something can be done with it just to increase Mercy’s skill level.

Overall , I don’t think Mercy should be reverted to pre-Valkyrie but instead she should receive a new Rework. (Only after they are done with the other heroes that need help right now. Just be patient with it OK)

SO WHO ASKED FOR THE LATEST MERCY NERF? So I can cut their power cable and shut them down forever!!!

An F tier hero become viable might as well be a new hero. Now you can play him without being hated for existing by your own teamates.

WE also have to take into considerination that Blizz. is a subsidiary of Activision which is probably pressuring blizz to keep profit margins up and dev teams small…

No I will not have faith in…these …devs

The state of balance right now is the best it has been in a whole year, imo. Especially concerning the support and tank categories, with a few exceptions.

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This is an unfair comparison… Ubi needs not create a character or backstory or more than one or two unique abilities unlike overwatch… so yeah siege does put out 6 characters a year BUT the difference between them all is quite muddy…

i would have to agree this is actually really good balance wise but i’m also noticing many more bugs than usual which is making me consider taking a break despite balance being in a very good place… although hanzo is still a complete swiss army knife.

They are fixing Rein bugs! Now the Doomfist and Sombra bugs are long overdue to be fixed. I personally think adding lunge was a mistake for Hanzo. It just removes one of this weaknesses.

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They kept it, because “they liked it”. That’s literally what all of the pros in their private Discord said on stream.

It’s anything that tickles their fancy they keep.

Not because of any feedback.

Why would they change her when they seemingly finally brought her down from her high perch? If anything they will either do nothing or give her another nerf as a sort of “sorry!” to everyone else for all these months.

Do not trust hope. It has forsaken these lands.

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You are truly a bunny who is born to lead. It shall be The Return of the King

Just because you think you “know” they are doing their best doens’t mean they are. Bugs that have been in the game from Day 1 are still in the game with no reply from the devs. If they do talk its BS small talk that covers nothing in the long run. Pros have talked about issues with the game and get ignored as well.

If they are doing their best why is it that soo many people are not happy with the game. You forget some people just play the game just to play and could careless what the devs do. The only thing that brings in soo many people is OWL and that’s where they are spending their time and money.

The biggest problem with the devs is the distance themselves from the community. They aren’t one of us and don’t want to be and they make is very clear.

but they do lol. All you gotta do is select the character in the menu and it gives you lore on that character.

only thing you got right was “more than one or two unique abilities”