Blizzard actually listened

You called a group of people a lynch mob…

Was a debate. Derailed after someone started talking about being stalked on another thread about Sym or something.

Yeah, I wasn’t denying that.

On the contrary, People were able to report you for trolling because calling people a lynch mob is inflammatory and upsetting.

flag him :stuck_out_tongue:

Elaborate please. I don’t recall anyone spamming.

I can understand that but you were calling us a lynch mob which is something completely different…

Controversy rolls in… Lynching is the act of physically killing (usually by the means of hanging). What you described:

is not a lynch mob.

Everyone gets called a troll if they are being a troll. This isn’t a problem exclusive to Mercy players.

Again, I don’t recall this happening. Pretty sure Ginger did not tell anyone to derail your other threads.

You gave up because too many people were disagreeing with you which was probably the safest thing to do. Cheers for that. Still, don’t encourage it. You should continue the argument if you believe you can confidently defend the points you make.

Simple math…if you get 100 different people suggestion changes for 1 thing and blizz listens to 1 of them (because that’s all they can do)…you still have 99 people that didn’t get what they wanted…so therefore “they don’t listen”

Because you are - your tactics are such as outlined in my post above.

Yeah, your Mercy buddies went after my Symmetra threads and started derailing them to “win” the debate.

Glad you are at least not completely blind to defend such tactics.

If you silence people and falsely flag them and you stalk/harass them in other threads and you get your buddies to do it guess what - you are a lynch mob.

I don’t think you are a literal lynch mob LMAO, you can’t physically kill me obviously you bozo. :rofl: It’s a metaphorical lynch mob.

The number of people disagreeing with me is irrelevant. Once you start actively harassing/going after people’s threads on other heroes, this isn’t a debate, it’s mob justice where you and Reverts gang up on one person to actively troll him. I refuse to be part of such system and the only reason why you and other Reverts continue to bend the rules is because of your mob group. Like I said, enjoy your echo chamber. Just don’t pretend and lie that you “won the debate”. This wasn’t an intellectual victory, you bullied the person to stop participating.

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Who exactly are we killing physically or metaphorically? Seriously, is that what you interpret us as? A mob that will metaphorically kill you? That’s silly…

Firstly, I don’t know them personally. They simply disagreed with you as well. Secondly, only one person went to your other thread.

Don’t think Blizzard will agree with you here…

Okay, clearly you are over-reacting/over-exaggerating. Most people tend to go by the actual definition of a lynch mob when someone accuses them of being apart of one… And even then, how exactly are we metaphorically killing you (usually by the means of hanging?)

Keep in mind that only one person (from what I know) went to your other thread… Also, you didn’t even reply to a large portion of replies before that. Only reasonable reason; you got overwhelmed.

What rules did we bend? Your perception of the debate is really surprising tbh.

You failed to reply to a bunch of replies even before someone supposedly harrassed you. I consider that a Victory. You don’t need to acknowledge it :stuck_out_tongue: .

Because one person (Ginger) went on your other thread and started to “troll” or because too many people replied to you at once, disagreeing with you?

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Can’t wait for that block feature :stuck_out_tongue: . Probably not going to happen though because it will be a hindrance to discussions.

Yeah, that’s why I stopped debating with them. When you start to go after a person’s threads on other heroes that draws the line, it’s flat out mob justice.

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I would respectfully agree and disagree with your point of view. Although it was evident Mercy needed some changes, I never felt that “outhealing” the other supports was ever the problem. Especially since that is the only thing (in my opinion) she really has to offer. It’s almost how they nerfed Ana’s damage way back when when no one had ever considered that an issue.

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i woudl actually rather to have the bunny hopping fixed once and for all.

Too much effort goes in OWL, and we dont like that.

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Yeah, it’s pretty much harassment. That’s why I just ignore any replies they make. As far as I’m concerned certain members don’t exist, if thats how they’re going to act.

Sorry but did you even try to read everything that I wrote? I feel like you just gave up after reading the first two paragraphs.

If you have any problems with my ideas give back rational and thought out response instead of just belittling me down because that will just cause more discourse rather than an actual discussion.

If you never read it I never said anything that I said should be what blizzard should do. Its ideas that maybe could help balance Mercy in the right direction. As of now I only have ideas for Mercy because she’s the only character that I have actually put some thought after being forced to play her all the time because no one wanted to play healer and when some one does its usally an off healer.

[Citation Required]

I actually agree with his statement. I’ve seen people hate Mass Rez because of what it could do, because of the hide and rez exploit that it has.

I’m not saying that everyone did it every single time but it became a thing that everybody exploited to be able to win and that became the major problem to it.

SR Abuse was fixed before her rework and “Hide n Res” was a garbage strategy in general which easily could’ve been removed by reworking mass Resurrect.

LoS, 15 meters radius , 1 Second cast time , Damage reduction and a new E ability - There ya go , That’s Mercy 3.0

Remember when Blizzard did something to Bastion’s sentry that nobody liked? Remember when they fixed it? No? Because they didn’t. They did something nobody liked then nerfed it and they won’t listen to anything about it.

Yep , It might be the same case here.

Made this exact point on another thread. blizz listens, forum goers just have absolutely no idea what they want, or what is balanced.

Blizzard listens on a number of topics.

But they obviously don’t listen to every single person’s suggestion. To be more clear, they don’t follow through with every suggestion. They see them, hear them, but they don’t have the time to respond to every single one of them.

There’s simply too many and to be honest, most of them are terrible suggestions.

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It’s when they don’t respond to an overall issue that’s when it becomes disheartening. Not even just individual ideals but even just an overall statement about it. Like a “we see there’s an issue” type thing. Also when something they do sucks they keep sticking with it no matter how much people hate it and that’s just bad too.