Blizzard actually listened

Remember when the “Bunny Hop” was introduced as a bug…

They decided to keep it because they listened to people’s feedback.

Or when Mercy was nerfed for the first time- They gave her a second charge , because ,you guessed, they listened to the player’s feedback.

I know a lot of people are mad about a lot of things , concerning game balance, but PLEASE, I beg you , Have some faith in the developers.

I know they are working hard so the game can be enjoyable for everyone, but they can’t satisfy everyone.

I still have faith in the Dev team , you should have too…
(+Hey , maybe they are preparing something amazing to surprise us , WHO KNOWS!)


People generally have blinders on. They only really focus on changes that impact them directly or reinforce an existing bias they have. I honestly think Blizz is doing the best they can. They have to take varying opinions into consideration before doing a change but most people have issue seeing beyond themselves.


Mercy needs to be erased from this game.


If they’re actually listening to us they need to say something!

They promised they’d monitor feedback on Mercy since the rework but apart from the bunnyhop there hasn’t been any sign of them listening (the number of posts read by developers is also rather low which isn’t encouraging).

Staying silent doesn’t help give people faith in the developers. They need to speak out and prove they are actually listening now.


Sorry , but every hero deserves to stay in the game , whether you like it or not.


I love the character but the cultist are making me mad. And I start to hate mercy


There are no cultists, let the myth die.


The thing with the cultists is … rather childish. I don’t get it as to why such a statements and “insults” are used …


Because that’s what they are.


Best way to leave a losing argument against a Mercy main. :man_shrugging:t2:


You can’t loose an argument against mercy main


Already happened. Some guy left an argument with me after admitting a mistake he made. He was like, “I don’t have time for mercy cultists”. Lmfao, it’s actually pathetic.


Oh he must have been weak.

After arguing with me and a bunch of other Mercy players for the past 12 hours? I think not.

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Maybe you’re the one that are in the wrong and he got bored ?

Nope. He full on admitted to making a mistake after being so arrogant.

what an amazing time to be alive


Ok, op, I believe you, but if there will be no “big” surprise at Gamescon, I’m gonna be super disappointed. This summer event was lacking, even if I love the Ana’s skin and some highlights (especially Moira’s and Orisa’s). I just wish they were faster with updates and overall better with communication. Gotta improve Blizzard, you can do it if you try! :wink:


I will have faith in the game when it’s up to date with shooters from the late 90s and early 2000s having basics like scoreboard, clan/guild system, just basic consistency in balance as well as balance direction.

Yeah they change things which is better than some companies but they are worse at it compared to other smaller companies that are on top of feedback and content providing.

They can do what they want once September hits so many games gonna be out lots of players gonna move on. Ow not the worst FPS I ever played it’s not the best. I hope the devs strive to make it the best but they did ok for their first time releasing a game like this.

Next time just listen to PTR feedback instead of waiting half a year for heroes to dominate.