Blizzard actually listened

He was ignored for three months, but afterwards he wasn’t ignored. People complained about his buggy rocket punch, and they listened and nerfed him. Just because it took them some time to make fixes, doesn’t mean they aren’t listening.

Reading feedback and agreeing with them are different.

I’m not going to argue with you, because you’re already biased. However, if you so strongly believe they don’t listen than be my guest and create a ‘i quit’ thread.

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The rework on movement was, in general, for the better. it made boops recoverable if players reacted in time (moving in the air quick enough to recover from some boops) but had a negative affect on bunny hops.

It had negative effects on Lucio.

Just Lucio. His wallriding felt heavy and terrible, his boop were unreliable and barely pushed players and the speed boost from hopping off walls was significantly lowered for some reason.

It was not good at all and they unintentionally completely destroyed all of Lucio’s fun.

Forgive me if im wrong, but didn’t they make wall-riding easier to compensate?

nah that came about… 6 months after the global movement changes.

After all 3 threads about bad Lucio was on the forums (because 0.1% of the community main him and know how his wallriding works/feels), Blizzard didn’t notice or care.

Well like I said earlier, they take their time but they do listen.

Well clearly they haven’t since it’s been 10 months since they screwed Lucio’s difficulty and fun factor over.

so we disagree.

I empathize with you, and I do hope Blizzard agrees with your feedback. I don’t main Lucio at all, so i have no opinion on his past changes, but if you don’t like it you’re free to leave your feedback.

However if they don’t agree, you shouldn’t mistake that for being ignored.

The most recent patch showed they can make great balance changes. Nerfed the OP things, buffed the weak ones, and made great changes to the support category as a whole.

Im confused, what happened 10 months ago to him?

There was a global movement change that was meant to fix Winston’s leap, but for some reason, they made it global.

All heroes were effected so the most mobility reliant hero, Lucio, was screwed over the most.
His wallriding felt heavy and clunky, boop was far less reliable since heroes could negate all of boop’s movement just by walking towards Lucio and also bunny hopping completely disappeared because they introduced an insanely high momentum decrease after about 0.5 seconds in the air.

It’s shocking that they made it a global change and shocking that they didn’t at least test how mobility reliant heroes had changed - clearly indicating that Blizzard didn’t fully test their patch, or don’t even understand how the pro players use their heroes.

I think, 10 months ago Blizzard made changes to movement in the air. When you’re in the air, your momentum was reduced so it was a bit easier to recover from getting booped. This had an affect on all players with movement abilities in the air. Winston and D.Va couldn’t get as much air time, and Lucio’s bunny hop while wall-riding was severely nerfed (i.e. couldn’t really do it at all).

I think this is what he’s referring too.

bunny hop was a buff given to a character that was already at the top of the meta.

their reasoning was dumb. they gave more mobility to the highest mobility support at the peak of her winrate.

blizz then nerfs moira’s healing thru barriers

ana has been nerfed a million times

then blizz ask itself. Why is mercy being picked so much?

IDK blizz maybe because you took away every weakness mercy had and nerfed the other supports to the ground

single target healer. lol not anymore

tracer can catch up to mercy using GA with a single blink. bunny hop will make it 2 blinks (tracer really shouldn’t be using 2 blinks to get to an enemy unless you are sure you can win and recall is up)

she gets targeted too much (like all supports). lets make her ulti super hard to hit even the pros have trouble with hitscan. and even then she regens health so if they miss once they are kinda screwed. and give her flight control that even Pharah, the only flying based character, can only dream of. also lets make it 20 seconds 3x longer than any other supports because, why not? oh maybe 20 was too long. lets just double the other supports at 12 seconds.

and then when the community complains about rez on E still being overpowered even after cast time (the only thing everyone has said making her truly imbalanced). i got it guys. lets nerf her healing

Ah, that. Yea it did hurt lucio, and he did feel worse right after it, but I guess i just got used to his movement after that change. He can still get across the map very quickly, but his boop def does feel worse since then.

Same, I adapted too, obv, but I still hate it currently.

It’s weird how Wrecking Ball has VERY little momentum slow down - almost as if they don’t care about Lucio and only want to focus on their new shiny heroes. Hammond can bunny hop long enough to get his hook shot back, which is insane since Lucio was able to do this until he got to another wall, keeping all his momentum, too.


Actually, in this case they physically weren’t listening. Overwatch Forums
Jeff had no idea that there was something wrong with Doomfist, despite multiple large threads on the issue on the front page.

Considering they nerfed Mercy 11 times, and the fact that the combined read posts of 6 OW developers are still less than the posts in the Mercy megathread, and each statement they’ve made about her is contradicted by their actions ("Reading our Feedback" - #164 by Scotty-21533)…

I know they don’t listen, I have the numbers. But I also know what the game could be, if the devs actually listened and stopped taking a sledgehammer and a gag order to every hero the community is unhappy with.

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I am only going to focus on the first part, because the last 2 you ignored my comment and just repeated yourself.

Jeff explicitly asked for better feedback, and you’re telling me they don’t listen? That post you linked proves Blizzard listens, but they only listen to meaningful feedback. Jeff asked for feedback

What would be more helpful than “what about Doomfist” would be a post clearly telling us what is wrong with Doomfist. If there are bugs that you’re aware of, list them out (with reproducible steps if possible) and we’ll take a look. Or if you think certain abilities are underpowered, let us know which ones feel off to you. But posts that say “what about doomfist (or insert YOUR hero here)” aren’t super helpful to us.

Please tell me how you interpreted Jeff’s request for better feedback as “Blizzard doesn’t listen to us”?

How can you have faith in people who have no idea how to balance the game they made? Who are only interested in e-sports, to make even more money and neglect the game while doing so?

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Considering that they didn’t read those posts for three months and they literally had to be shoved in their face, yeah that’s how I and a lot of people interpreted it. If he read the feedback given, he should be well aware of the bugs that were given. INstead of asking for more information, he should know that Doomfist was a rotting corpse infested with bugs and should have said “Yeah, we know Doomfist is buggy, we’re working on it.” If the forums were being read, which they aren’t, then he would have known about the bugs that people were talking about.

Actually I didn’t. The one ignoring here is you; I have physical evidence that they aren’t reading the feedback thread for Mercy. You can’t ignore it.

Xaron, I really don’t know what to tell you.

That thread you linked is Jeff communicating with us. OP asked for Genji to be nerfed, and Jeff said “Genji’s not currently on our radar as being a balance problem.” Again this is a case of listening and not agreeing.

Second, the particular post you linked was Jeff responding to someone who did not provide anything meaningful to Doomfist. He asked for better feedback. So you interpreted it as

So Jeff asks for better feedback, and you still insist they are ignoring us? I don’t know what to tell you. I really don’t. If you think Blizzard is ignoring us, that is your choice. So I’m not continuing our conversation.

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