Blizzard, about mercy

I ‘learned’ her when she was god status because not playing her was basically putting your team in a huge disadvantage. Did I enjoy it? I did, even though she definitely isn’t something I’d really wan’t to dedicate my time into. I still put more than 30 hours in competitive on her.

Now Ana and Lucio are viable and now I’m enjoying playing them way more. And I STILL can swap to Mercy in situations she’s great at; high ground heavy maps, mobility focused comps, etc.

Don’t limit yourself and use that as an excuse to be unable to play. No one’s forcing you to play a certain hero.

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You should watch the video that i linked. It’ll enlighten you a lot. Ana and lucio were viable for a long time. Lucio was a must pick for the first few seasons of competitive. Zen had issues but nobody complained about him. Watch the video and you’ll be surprised.

I’ve watched that. And here’s a short answer; I don’t agree with the video and the poster’s opinion. She has very little knowledge of the support cast in general. I’ve seen terrible Ana primary spamming at butt range gameplay. Not accountable.

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Then your own research for the statistics of previous pickrates, even overbuff just proves her video statistics. that’s accountable.

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Overbuff proves what? That Mercy OTP’s hide their profiles?

I look at pro level scene where Mercy is still a very viable pick.

Also btw. Tracer is right below Mercy in terms of WR. And 4 other heroes. Maybe they TOO do need attention?

ALSO btw. Ana and Lucio had WR’s of as low as 45-46%, something that is never said when Mercy evangelists talk about ‘statistics’. For a whole dang year. 49% is bad, but not THAT bad. She needs a slight push, and so do other heroes. Even ana also has 49% WR currently with double Mercy’s pick rate. Like it or not, the assumption that Mercy is utterly broken and garbage tier is just that, an assumption, not a fact.

It says “please read!”

Dude this is way too strong. -A mercy player

Mercy not being enjoyable to a lot of players is an issue. It doesnt matter if their opinion is justified. Logic isnt something humans are good at
Altough the forum is less than a 1% of the actual playerbase you can clearly see that a lot of people dont enjoy the current Mercy. Its causing a lot of pointless discussions, e.g. this one and makes the community unhappy in general

Im a Lucio/Mercy Main. I peaked Diamond, Master and GM as Lucio (onetrick). I should be happy that the sweet little frog is finally an accepted pick again but Mercys state since her rework kinda kills my intrested in this game, therefore I lost >1.000 SR

Mercy is by far the most popular hero in the game, they should make sure that shes statisfying to play. Viability doesnt necessarily mean that a pick is also enjoying. Its a game after all


There are 5 other heores having a worse time than Mercy. Please look at them too. Are they not relevant because they’re not ‘popular’? Fine, delete those heroes then.

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Ever heard of the card-stacking fallacy? Just because she has a lot of nerfs does not mean that she needs buffs. Those nerfs were needed to get her in line with the other healers. While I agree she needs a small healing output boost, I HEAVILY disagree with your logic.

I also never mentioned anything about not touching other heroes. Im all for a Bastion rework btw

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Nope nope nope nope as a mercy main myself I completely disagree with your suggestions in buffing her. These are just gonna make her opaf again

Until they rework her you’re gonna keep seeing them.


I dont agree with you suggestions but Mercy needs a new rework that gets rid of valk and places rez as her ultimate again. Maybe other stuff could work as well but I am not really convinced about that.

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How about NO mercy’s fine

Coming from someone who plays in silver-gold, next time give info from someone more relevant.

why people think that Rez is the most powerfull ability, when you can just kill the target again.

also its just one target and has 30 sec cooldown

I am pretty sure you can kill more than one target in less than 30 sec

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Because it makes someone who was killed come back with full HP? It makes it so you have to kill someone twice instead of once. I don’t see how you don’t find that to be the most powerful ability.

and you have to wait 2 seconds that rez is complete

and if it fails, it gets on cooldown

and yes it rezzes target to full health, but Moira can simply heal the target to full health in 2 seconds

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