Blizz: Can't we just try a one-shield tank limit on Exp Card?

Only if we can try a one hitscan limit at the same time :slight_smile:

I mean, it obviously is.


With a good balancing team who plays the game in a higher rank, it wouldn’t be as difficult. Just look at professional players. Each and everyone knows which character is broken and why.

Lmao, i hope you don’t actually believe that? Pro players are so god damn biased.
Sure, they agree on some things, but there are so many stupid opinions and hot takes put out by pro players, it’s ridiculous.


Whenever Bap or Brig are op, you just have got to open twitter. I think you’re trying to be right in some things that are just not true. Muted conversation, this isnt going anywhere and neither you and I are taking anything valuous from this

Ask ANYONE, nobody will ever say that all pros are good at balancing. Heck, even some pros would probably say that other pros have terrible balancing ideas.

right back at you


Never know - why not.

Yeah they are not scientists… I hear many contradictory things from coaches, I damn sure know the players aren’t uniform on characters.

people complain because its boring, not because its op


Because they basically tried this with 1-3-2, and found it underwhelming.


1-3-2 was actually popular with half the tanks, and its nothing like a 1 slot limit on shield tanks. How can you even begin to equate the two?

FWIW, Papa Jeff loves 1-3-2, and I am telling you this: be prepared for it to return in some form in the not too distant future.

How on earth could one construe a single tank limit with a limit on one shield tank … :drooling_face:


Two things.

1.) I said the developers found it underwhelming. You saying

means nothing. Jeff is one guy; he could be 1-3-2’s biggest fan and never see it again if everyone else decides its a bad idea.


Is this a joke? Or like, sarcasm? A limit on tanks is a limit on shields by default.

Four tanks have shields, so if you can only have one tank a match on your team, you’ll either have one shield or none. That’s how a single tank limit is a limit on shields.

Unless you’re counting Brig, which you literally shouldn’t be because her shield and a Tank’s shield are for two different purposes.

To add to that, Winston’s shield is best used for himself while he dives; he gets dramatically less value in a lot of cases when he hangs back with his team and drops his barrier, so really, only Three tanks have shields that are used in the way you’re imagining.

it would require reworking tanks and maybe damage while also moving some heroes to other roles. i dont believe they did much if any of that

Is Winston considered a shield tank?

I’d say that Rein and Orisa definitely are but Winston’s seems so melty in comparison.

What rank are you to be seeing DVA? I want in on this

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Other than queue times, the other problem with this idea is it’s a band-aid fix to a larger problem. When OW2 comes out and they continue to add tanks to the game, it would be more and more constricting.

He has also made a few comments that hint it is not over with, and they want OW 2 to feel like a “new game” and I personally believe they have not revealed somethings yet about it. You and I can have this conversation when 1-3-2 comes back around. I will note your name down for it :slight_smile:

Explain how it would be more constricting? I think its the other way actually in the long run.

Look, today, double barrier is causing one meta problem, but it causes other deeper issues:

  • damage creep

  • slow games

  • slower queue times due to slow games

  • compounds with healing

  • limits future shield tank designs

  • Constant threat of a return to double shields

  • player boredom fighting shields constantly

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Actually I just deleted Overwatch. I decided that I don’t want to be a part of this game anymore.

Though I will comment on this:

Even if 1-3-2 comes back, the conversation around overwatch will not have changed. Characters will still be called OP, shields will still be called OP, and this exact same discussion will be happening.

All you’ll be saying is “but, I was right about 1-3-2 coming back, right :crazy_face:

and everyone else will just say “will you be quiet? We’re talking about how the Tanks are still OP!”

Wow… I wish I was as smart as you, you have all the angles figured out :slight_smile:

Every major sport on the planet has restrictions on certain things in play to help the game, OW should be no different. By your logic if any complaining happens, then no progress occured. Gotcha :+1:

See you when 1-3-2 comes out.

Thank you.

Every major sport also have people who think the rules are stupid, too strict, or are enforced incorrectly. Besides that, Overwatch isn’t a major sport, a minor sport, or anything. Its an Esport where balance changes on a whim.

Yes, that’s actually 100% true. For the forums at least. I think most of you don’t actually care about 2-2-2 or 1-3-2 or 6-0-0 or whatever. You just repeat what some youtuber says because he’s good at Overwatch even though he literally acts like a giant unlikable manbaby.

No you won’t.

winny would be in on the 1 shield limit so rein winny wouldnt be possible