Blizz: Can't we just try a one-shield tank limit on Exp Card?

I mean, can’t you just try this to see how it goes? I don’t believe it would take hundreds of man-hours to code :slight_smile:


so you want icreased queue times?


This would not change queue times whatsoever…


Why, Every game now, I see nothing but Zar/Hog, Ball/D.Va, or any other combination of those four…


i mean sure, but it would have to come with orisa / sigma buffs probably cuz otherwise it would be winston/rein all the time

actually probably just rein


To nerf double shield for the people who do play to win.

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Instead of only one shield, balance the game so 2 shields is a bad comp and 0 shields too


Why would it increase queue times?


I mean, people would just play sig/ball (the current meta). People that complain about double shield in low ranks never really understood why the comp was meta: it had less to do with shields and more a lot of CC, good ults, and using angles so the enemy could only fight half the team at once.

And it’s not even meta right now, Orisa is trash and so is rein.

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They believe you are asking for a shield tank queue for some reason. I guess a lot of these discussions blend.


They don’t need to “understand” it, its pretty obvious that its a pain in the butt trying to play up against two shields. OW is not rocket science.

My point is it would open up more potential shield tank and off-tank designs and combinations in the long run, and also speed up the game.


We can’t change the rules everytime the devs fail to balance the game.


They won’t do artificial limits like this. It’s been suggested for instance that with stacking heals only the best is applied, or some factor of say the best first then half the second, etc. but they resist it as “non-intuitive” and yet they took this very approach with abilities that slow targets, like what they did with Sym turrets and other forms of slowness stacked…

Some things cannot be balanced out though, and its hurt the game and causes many compound issues since tanks typically define metas. I still see no harm in trying it…

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and how exactly would you do that?
Like just tell me any world where this is possible.

We should though, at this point, to save both sigma and orisa, not to mention to save the hassle of future shield tanks

This is going to remain a problem as they design future tanks. And their balance is so poor that we actually really should humor changing the rules every time, there is MASSIVE precedent for it. They do it all the time, why stop now?


Or we could just remove Orisa from the game, problem solved

Boring hero gone, no one in Orisa jail and everyone happy.

LOL… I mean, why not just limit to one shield tank at a time. I get people fear the loss of agency, I really do, its deep in our genetics. People resisted being told to buckle-up and wear seat belts at the time… I think we can say while there was a natural increase in belt injuries, over all it was the right thing. The problem is with each tank we have to worry how the combination will synergize with the rest, and overlap. This makes this much easier to deal with. Ball was an attempt to do a non-shield tank… you want more Ball in your games or variations to come?


Firstly: Only main tanks do have barriers and nerf busted offtanks. Then nerf heals and dmg from the game so that main tanks don’t explode

What would that change? Who would you consider an offtank in this scenario?

So instead of making a simple limit to hinder one type of comp, rebalance every single hero in the game, which might lead to other issues. Gotcha.

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Its interesting that eSport players are among some of the most resistant to house rules that address special cases. All major sports I know of have over the years developed certain ad hoc rules to stop problematic forms of play to better the game. eSports they just go insane the minute you mention limiting anything

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