Blizz: Can't we just try a one-shield tank limit on Exp Card?

But you are at least a “cook”.

I don’t think you understand how queue times work.

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It would be a non-issue for this approach. I daresay, it might even speed up the queues due to faster games as a result…

Because not every double shield is bad, it’s just an extra shield+Orisa that’s bad. Orisa wants to stand in one spot and stay there and that makes the games so very boring.

I will say shooting at the shield is super boring for most people and takes undue time as well… but maybe that is just my experience. I see more time spent wasted on banging down Rein+Sigma shields these days…

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He’s referring to queues, no one is asking for another queue. Let’s be honest, half the tankers don’t want to run shield tanks anyhow… that is the key point but in some cases are pressured into it. I think many more might even come into tanking if the tank designs included Mei, Bastion, and Doom and other “space generating” tank designs not reliant on shields.

But now with three shields, its a problem, and on top, promises to make Blizz strongly hold off on any new shield tank designs as a result of double-shield…

Ironically, with the Flex-Pass they did just that

It is a valid argument cause i play open QP in arcade all the time literly in game in like 15-20 sec while role queue is a couple mins…

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Definetly Sigma

I’d have to get in depth with concepts, maybe i answer tomorrow, it’s not simple

Instead of going to the easy way which brings a real and known issue “queue times going up”, try to balance the game to like some years ago where a main tank needed an off tank.

No lol

how exactly would a shield limit increase queue times? If anything it will decrease queue times cause people won’t be stuck in Double Shield jail anymore.

For the same reason why people in quick play play more off-tanks than main tanks.

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But how does this matter? People are not asking for separate tank queues. Simply for a limit on how many shields can be in a team.


Not really. Rein is still bad. Right now meta is a hard Sigma Ball aka one shield tank.

Oh, then I missunderstood. Anyways this would be like role q, just delete possibilities to delete a single comp called double shield. Just balance the game, it’s not that difficult

Only if we can try a one hitscan limit at the same time :slight_smile:

I mean, it obviously is.


With a good balancing team who plays the game in a higher rank, it wouldn’t be as difficult. Just look at professional players. Each and everyone knows which character is broken and why.

Lmao, i hope you don’t actually believe that? Pro players are so god damn biased.
Sure, they agree on some things, but there are so many stupid opinions and hot takes put out by pro players, it’s ridiculous.


Whenever Bap or Brig are op, you just have got to open twitter. I think you’re trying to be right in some things that are just not true. Muted conversation, this isnt going anywhere and neither you and I are taking anything valuous from this

Ask ANYONE, nobody will ever say that all pros are good at balancing. Heck, even some pros would probably say that other pros have terrible balancing ideas.

right back at you