Blizz are you ok?

Anyone who sits and complains that 10HP/S decrease isn’t enough to bring Mercy down is delusional.

Clearly, you haven’t played when Mercy HAD 50HP/S and she was bad.

That is literally her kit. But it’s a predictable escape because it’s a straight line. Meaning you can counter it.

Whereas Moira has a less predictable escape it’s not in a straight line and she’s invulnerable.

Consistent sure. But not guaranteed. Mercy does other stuff besides healing you know.

So she’s great against Winston? Great, she counters 1 hero. If you are healing an ally between a Reinhardt or an Orisa something is wrong.

She has THE strongest utility in her BASE kit. Any other Support ULTIMATE is better than Valkyrie by far now.

Did I ever say he didn’t deserve a buff?

Did I complain that she is more effective?

Still don’t know why you are bringing this up.

I didn’t say other supports didn’t need buffs and if that’s what you are thinking no wonder other players on these forums disregard such statements by you because you are making stuff up. Read before you comment.

“Minor” we will just wait and see how “Minor” the change actually is.

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I’m so sick of hearing this.

“Mercy is so easy to play!”
Then play her.
“I dont know how.”



Minimal effort yet 0 people know how to play her?

Mercy’s base kit remained unchanged for quite awhile when it came to her healing.

60HP/S was enough to keep her relevant and be able to keep up with Ana’s healing.

Mercy as a whole needs fixing. Not an “adjustment.” All these claims that Mercy is 1 step closer to being in the best state she’s ever been is bs. How many steps has it taken 10?

She was fine pre-rework where she was a niche single target healer. Not an AOE pocket god in the sky that was able to Resurrect 4 people in burst succession and was untouchable. Clearly, that wasn’t thought out and ruined the game entirely.

The goal was to make Mercy fun. Receiving 10 nerfs having to change playstyles over and over x10 more times is not “fun” it’s horrible.

Her base kit should’ve remained unchanged like it has been for over 2 years and changes to her ultimate and ability should’ve been made.

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She literally has the least hp/s as a main healer, how exactly is she the strongest healing when Moira does 80 hp/s and Ana does like 70?

The only reason she’s so highly picked is for Rez, because it’s literally handed out like on Opera Winfrey’s show everyone wants to be rez’d when they screw up. This wasn’t nearly the case back before invulnerability on cast for Mass Rez.


Oh yeah I got that wrong. I don’t know what I was thinking when I typed that out.

Hehe woops.

So like an increase of 1300 Healing overall. My bad.

That’s for a 15 minute match.

Minimal effort to just heal. Mercy just has to look at someone and hold M1, and she can do her maximum healing amount literally forever. Ana has to aim and reload. Moira has to manage her resource.

The problem is this exactly. If Mercy’s consistent healing keeps up just fine with Ana’s inconsistent and difficult to land healing, why would you ever use Ana?!

Now, Mercy has single target healing that is the most consistent and reliable, and is still sold enough to be a main healer. Moira has the best AoE healing, but it’s not reliable due to the charge she has to maintain. Ana has the best potential single target healing, but its limited by aim.

Her healing is minimal effort sure. But she is also a 1-star hero. But does Ana and Moira when using an ability punish themselves and take themselves out of a fight for 1.75 seconds? Nope.

Can Moira and Ana both heal while doing damage to a target? Yes. Stuff that Mercy can’t.

Everyone keeps forgetting that Mercy’s “main job” is to heal. She doesn’t output any damage so that’s why she has consistently high healing. Which she should.

No, it wasn’t. Don’t pull this. Mercy ORIGINALLY HAD 50HP/S. That’s what she had before Ana was even a hero in the game. Which was enough at the time. When Ana showed up 60HP/S wouldn’t cut it and Ana shined more than Mercy so that’s why she was buffed.

Because Ana provides other utility that isn’t reliant on her teammates in order for it to work.


My average healing on Mercy is 9k while my average healing on Ana is 8k, but Ana’s ult doesn’t provide healing so I’m actually doing a lot more healing on Ana’s base kit than Mercy’s

I did. You know what she didn’t have? Her current Guardian Angel. Her 1 second delay to self-heal (she had 3 second delay). If you want to compare previous Mercy with 50 HPS to 50 HPS with current Mercy…then that’s a ridiculously awful comparison. A lot has changed about her.

Considering you threw them under a bus to make a point about Mercy, you can’t blame anyone for considering those complaints.

Yeah this is definitely the first time Mercy received “not minor” nerfs and she “died”. 6 times already. LOL.

Considering the last time she had 50hp/s healing she was a troll pick (though a popular one), I don’t have high hopes for the end result. Keeping people alive through damage will just suck too much.


So by nerfing her overall healing, we are forcing Mercy players to Rez more because she isn’t able to keep allies alive anymore? Is that the whole goal of this rework? I thought the whole focus of it was to take Resurrect and make it less prominent. Not make it the deciding factor to pick a Mercy.

Never threw them under the bus. Again you are making stuff up. I’m making a point by saying buffing heroes and then nerfing 1 shifts the whole spectrum. It doesn’t bring them in line with each other. 1 hero will drop below while 3 are going to shoot upwards. Which doesn’t make any sense to me personally. The should’ve just buffed the 3 supports and left Mercy alone.

Yeah but this one is actually going to hurt. The other ones are adjustments to playstyle. This is the power to Mercy as a whole.

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When one healer vastly overshadows the others to the point where they’re considered a troll pick, a 10 HPS reduction probably won’t bring them all in line. And those other heroes NEEDED help regardless. You are using them to justify some weird point that you’re trying to make. Mercy was over-performing for a long time. Other heroes were under performing for a long time. If you just nerfed Mercy, that wouldn’t solve the underlying issues with Ana and Lucio (the other ones, eh, I didn’t care for, they didn’t really need changes).

I don’t agree with that. lol. Considering that she previously had 2 charges of instacast resurrects and was granted an additional one immediately for using her ultimate.

Removing the extra charge reward for using her ultimate actually hurt. Removing the 2nd charge on resurrect actually hurt. Putting resurrect on a cast time with a small radius of affect actually hurt. Those are all monumentally harsh nerfs. A reduction in 10 HPS…is not going to hurt her any more than those would have.

  1. She still can heal consistently without having to reload, having to use an ability to up the heals, she doesn’t have a resource meter for it, and she doesn’t have to attack to do it.
  1. She’s the only healer who can consistently heal through barriers
  2. She still has some of the best mobility, and the only hero with damage boost.

If you think that reducing her heals per second by 10 is going to make her into a rez-bot, I don’t know what to tell you. lol.

No, they actually can’t. Ana’s shots either hit allies to heal or hit enemies and damage. They don’t do both at once. Moira is the same; you’re either using your healing mist or your damage. Other supports like Zenyatta and Lucio can do both at once because they can do their full healing amount while also shooting. Ana and Moira can’t.

You seem to forget that Damage Boost and Resurrect are a thing. Well, they both exist and they’re both among the most powerful basic abilities in the game, and both can be used well purely based on your play and choices. Only Guardian Angel requires anything from your team to adjust from their normal play.

Meanwhile Moira has a personal escape and an E that can do more damage or more healing. And an ultimate that does damage and healing. And zero utility outside damage and healing. Ana has some good utility that hasn’t been able to compete with Resurrect or Damage Boost since Mercy was first reworked.

Frankly, though, I feel like you’re just mad that your favorite hero is getting less powerful, and that you’re not really trying to understand why this change is greeted with happiness by most of the player base, so yeah. I’ve said the arguments, and if they don’t make you think, not much will.

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I wonder how long it’s going to take until we see the threads crying about moira’s damage orb needing to be nerfed again when we see less mercy.


The last time she had 50hps, the meta was two Zenyattas, that provided permanent healing orbs to flankers.

Permanent orbs? Uh… no. Mercy had 50 hp/sec long after the beta ended. She only got 60 hp/sec in the balance patch after Ana’s release, because compared to Ana her healing output was miserably low. It still kind of is.

And why was she buffed to 60hp/s back then? Was it maybe because Ana’s nade provided 100% healing boost and lasted for 5 sec? And this has now been nerfed, so Mercy doesn’t need the 60hp/s anymore either. She even has AoE healing and faster selfregen now.

Mercy has consistent healing tho, so will easily outheal Ana.


Yeah but she has the easiest healing of all healers, and thats proven by the fact that she consistently gets more healing done than Moira at each rank

I can easily top my own Mercy’s healing with Moira in most team comps, and depending on team comp can do the same with Ana. You’d be amazed what she can do with her raw throughput when your team decides to run Rein + together, giving her some big targets that can stop incoming damage and give her time to respond.

Sure, in disorganized Gold rank games or below, Mercy at 50 hp/sec will out-heal an Ana with a sub-50% accuracy… but I play in Masters+. I often am the Ana, and I maintain at least 66% accuracy. Though I am a Mercy main, I am seriously concerned that with the healing nerf, I will be forced off of Mercy onto Moira or Ana at my rank in order to keep up my rank. I enjoy playing the other supports and welcome the opportunity on one hand, but I can’t stand the thought that playing my favorite character at all would be letting the team down.

That is where I think this nerf is taking Mercy.

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It’s not because she’s the easiest, I’ll tell you that much.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

Moira - Has to damage to get healing back to output heals. She will spend roughly 40% of the match doing either that or nothing (in between fights).

Ana - is hardly picked and does require aim to get her heals to her targets, but usually ops to help dish out some more damage rather than heal.

Brigitte - has to dish out damage to give out heals

Lucio - aggressive Lucio’s will be wall riding and trying to move enemies out of comfort zones, will on average spend about 30% of any match actually healing, and it’s usually just to heal themselves.

Zenyatta - can latch an orb on a team mate and continue fighting but will probably lose sight of said team mate and not end up healing them.

Mercy out heals everyone else simply because most Mercy’s auto latch to anyone in need of health, which denies other healers of healing. Mercy can heal through barriers consistently, but must put herself in harm’s way to do so.

Mercy does 60 hp/s (soon to be 50) on ONE target outside of Valk.

Moira can heal everyone who gets touched by her healing spray for 80 hp/s with a 50 hp/s over time heal for 3 seconds after that.

Ana can jump from target to target by simply aiming at someone else.

So Mercy doesn’t heal the most because she’s the ‘easiest’, she heals the most because of consistency.