Join the fight and earn limited-time rewards, including Comic Book Tracer (epic), by winning games and watching Overwatch on Twitch.
Tracer deserves better, I kinda hate this new skin.
Lightning 2.0.
Liking the skin so far but why does the link 404 nvm
Dunno bout PVP being on the list
Nah the r34 will be great.
Please Blizzard, buff underpowered characters and make balance changes on OWL independent from ladder balance changes
Orisa, Dva, Mei, Brig, Baptiste, Sombra
TFW this is just a self insert skin by the comic’s artists
But that would require me to play the game
I am extremely grateful for the continued free content that has continued to be made and to all of the wonderful cosmetics that the artistic design team have so creatively made
Blizzard, I think we can all agree that we really enjoy all of the new content and updates, but I think we can also all agree that we’d enjoy seeing skins and lore for other characters. Tracer has 2 comics, 2 limited time skins, an animated short (and a half).
Maybe it’s time to give tracer a break, and maybe let another hero step into the spotlight? Maybe a certain Omnic…?
Nice, but we’re waiting for non-lazy tank balancing
Nice skin. Thanks for giving more lore
This skin smacks dafoq
lowkey my favorite tracer skin now not gonna cap
Well, i’ll take it over no content.
OWL is a corrupting influence in this game.
OWL is killing this game on the altar of “hurr esports” for “durr shareholders” and the player base suffers with insipid balancing.
I like this skin much better than the one considering the costs! xD
Tracer, you’re in the middle of combat. Put your goggles on your eyes.
I actually like the skin. Too bad I can’t play, cause my account is bugged or smth after the psn ID change and they’re looking into it for two weeks already…
Its almost like Capitalism sucks.
Nah, well-regulated capitalism is great.
Blizzard just makes stupid decisions and ignores the playerba$e to chase phantom money.
OWL will never make up for the lost trust from loyal customers.
Capitalism has a fundamental principle, that if the market wants it it will succeed.
The market does not want OWL.
NGL, I’m probably the only person on this forum that uses the Lighting Tracer skin. And the Comic skin isn’t that bad, IMO.