Blackout happened in my house and kicked me out of Competitive

I was playing competitive on open queue on my switch with the account name “Jelliot” when a blackout hit my house because of the hot weather. I rushed to reset my circuit breaker, and got rejoined the math in like 5 minutes. We won the match but I still lost SR for leaving. I understand that leaving competitive is a hassle for people trying to get the SR and i know the system, but it really isn’t fair for this type of situation because there is really no way to escape the scenario. I really tried boosting my SR for the last few days of this season, but it sucks because I lost 50 SR as a “penalty” and this is excluding the winnings.

This is completely fair as a penalty

It sucks to have it happen as a result of something out of your control, but the fallout for your teammates remains the same

Grats on the win, but thats a lightning strike percentage of the potential outcomes

You will not get your SR back. Only choice is to move on.

It happens. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. If you queue for competitive, you have to accept risks like that.

It has happened to all of us at some certain point. I’ve disconnected a couple of times myself. I learned the hard way that I should use an ethernet cable instead of wifi, for example.

Leavers wouldn’t be an issue if they added backfill to Competitive. It desperately needs it.