Black female hero?

No. Stop trolling.


no u…
(20 chrarac

Omnics aren’t humans. They’re robots. Therefore Orisa can’t have a race no more than a lion can.

This is literally basic kindergarten science.

And you know this too. You and others need to stop trying to shut down black people by throwing a robot in their face.


Buddy, omnics aren’t even real, you’re virtue signalling for fictional robots.


You’re missing the point.

As soon as you start throwing arbitrary layers over art to please a minority, the character gets ruined. Demanding a black character just because there isn’t one is wrong to the iterative process. It’s forced and creates a shallow character.


Don’t start back-peddling.

You said Orisa counts as representation, and there’s only two options why you would say that.

Either you think black women are robots in which case I reminded you of basic scientific fact, or you’re trying to shut the conversation down, in which case you’re not contributing to the thread.

The Orisa “argument” is as ignorant as it is old. Stop using it.


Believe what you wanna believe I guess :man_shrugging:


Of course race isn’t just skin tone which is why I also mentioned facial features. But I don’t think anyone would argue against Tracer being a white woman despite being British. It’s not one or the other. That’s my point. People can’t be like oh Pharah is not black she’s Egyptian when she clearly has many characteristics that point towards her at the very least being partially black. My question is what makes her not black? Saying it’s because she’s Egyptian and/or Arab is not valid.

Then the question becomes what are people imagining as “black”. I bet It’s stereotypical and that bothers me because blackness isn’t a singular description.


The point is that free speech encompasses demands and criticisms too. Artists and their ideas are not sacrosanct and free from the basic contract between creator and audience. This notion in gaming that you can’t ask for representation because it somehow violates some weird, magical code that you can’t let an artist know what you think of their work because creativity somehow entitles you to a pedestal is something I’ve only ever seen take root in gaming culture. Everywhere else, these conversations are just another Tuesday.

It’s creepy too. I don’t want my audience to feel they can’t give me feedback or negative reactions. Artists are big boys and girls. They can handle monitors being disappointed, and the good artist relishes opportunities to plug blind spots.

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Calls me out on that
then goes on to say what effectively is
" Stop using arguements I dont like :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: "


I don’t “believe” in science. It just is. Anti-intellectualism is another thing that gaming culture needs to sort out.

I’d like a black hero… (Not lucio or doomfist)

bonus points for an american black hero

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Yet you did.

Because it “Matters so badly”…

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We have so many Americans tho. I’m gunning for Junkerqueen to be Aboriginal.

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Your argument against me literally started with:

And only that

Do you actually think I’m gonna give you the time of day when you start trying to shove subjective rhetoric in my face? After you downplay my points as baseless trolling?

Hell no XD

Maybe lead with the subjective rhetoric instead of being a pious jerk next time and I’ll take the bait and argue your points :man_shrugging:

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I expanded on the argument. If you wanna ignore the elaboration, that’s on you.

There’s a difference between demands and criticism.
You can criticism my work as much as you like.
But you sure as hell can’t demand that I make something based on your criteria.
That’s called being entitled.

My ethnicity and gender combination isn’t in the game either, and I’m not here demanding it. If it does enter the game naturally as a fitting character that’s great but I’m not demanding that the next hero should be it.


Lol -after- the snide insinuation.

You’re the only one who’s arguing in the original point here my guy, I’ve made my point and you decided to lead with a snarky insult instead of something productive. So I decided it wasn’t worth my time or sanity.

Claims I’m being anti-intellectual when this entire time you tried arguing on a “you’re trolling” basis. Buddy, I want to be clear, I wasn’t trolling, but if you think I was why would you take the perceived bait “”as the intellectual””?

I’m taking the high ground here. Don’t try it Anakin.

Maybe next time you want to make a point, you try to be welcoming instead of abrasive.

With that though I’m done, I’ve given this post some bumps in the process, so be happy :wave:

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Yes, someone can.

Demands encompass free speech.

You’re free to ignore all conversations about your work. But you cannot shut them down.

It’s okay. You’re not obligated to care.

Others do care. That’s okay too.

So why you gotta be killing the vibe?

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If going to an online forum and asking for a certain bundle of pixels to be a certain color just because it makes you feel happy is your first priority, you might wanna reconsider. I’ll take any hero of any color and race so long as it doesnt offend me or anyone else.