Black female hero?

Yeah and my Workbook was made in 2014 while you are a fully grown adult, meaning your Workbooks were written with knowladge that was debunked with time.
You also ignored the fact i googled it.

Also based on google egyptian is ‘‘Brown race’’ Or arabic.
Close enough?
Anyways, I am out since this isn’t constructive one bit.

Plasma was already known about when I was in public school.

So did I and just clicking a couple of times leads you to more than four categorizations. Whoops.

It really wasn’t.

I think you’re thinking of the history of Caucasian origination.

Modern-day definition of a Caucasian, according to Google, is:

“white-skinned; of European origin.”

So when people use that word, we’re not referencing the historical, biological definition. We’re referencing modern-day meaning of what a Caucasian is.

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Just give us the black girl from Ana’s “early overwatch” days. She’s right there! Give her to us


This is one of those posts disguised as not one of those posts.


Clicks her fingers while she talks.

He says it’s entirely possible and that they will @ 36:12

Why try to diversify and already diverse Universe? Isn’t Overwatch filled with diversity already? Why try to push the narrative more? They have a plethora of characters of different races, creeds and backgrounds - even an animal/robot.

Why not? Saying “you got a woman of color now stop asking for anything else” is dismissive and presumptuous. Overwatch isn’t perfect. It can always be better and explore other avenues and cultures and characters. It is, by design, in the perfect position to do so compared to other games.


Stop being so sensitive. No one is dismissing this baiting topic. People, or rather I am saying it already includes those things. Stop narrowing in on what it doesn’t include.

Be happy with what you get. Jesus.

You can be happy with a product you know can still be better. Derp.

You are the prime example of the problem in society and culture.

“This is not good enough and I demand more than what you have given me.”


Yes, what you just said is called “entitlement”

Thanks for proving my point.

You must know better than developers.

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I apologize for not having low standards.


My parents have nothing to do with this and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t randomly bring them up in yet another attempt to attack me personally.


Orisa is technically a African female but she’s an omnic so I don’t blame you.

Pointing out fact.

If you feel I’m attacking you personally, then that is your problem - not mine.

So, if you are attempting to attract attention of a Blue there keyboard warrior, don’t worry the post has been flagged as a Troll topic for “lack of creativity.”

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That’s a bad example. Deviled in food terms literally means to spice something up. It’s written right there; it might conjure up other images such as a literal religious Devil but the actual meaning and how it’s used is clear.

The definition of sub in every sense means lower, inferior, less than, etc. No where in that definition does it mention the word being a euphemism of South. Do we say Sub Pole to denote the pole south of the equator…no.

So I say it matters because you, I and the rest of the world understand such a definition and so by using it, subconsciously that region of Africa is suddenly thought of as less than. Remember when blacks and jews, etc. used to be called Sub-human. Yes words matter.

Also society changes so why shouldn’t the words we use change as well?

You calling out my parents as if you know anything about me or my family is not a fact. It’s a personal attack.

Go away.