Best way to fix Mercy

Revert healing to 60 hps

Revert her ultimate to mass res, but now with:

  • Short cast time as long as the “heroes never die” voiceline
  • Line of Sight Requirement
  • No more invulnerability. Instead, a full self heal only upon successfully casting her ultimate

Put a flight-only Valkyrie on E

  • For 4 seconds, Mercy has uninhibited flight
  • 16 second cooldown
  • Immediately starts up passive self heal upon casting, but it can still be interrupted if shot after the ability is activated (i.e. getting shot immediately after casting negates self heal passive like usual)
  • Removal of uniterruptable self healing, unlimited ammo, and chain beams

With these changes, Mercy would be a balanced and fun hero again, with the main issues regarding her old kit, “hide and rez” and rez being too difficult to counter, being negated by making Rez harder to pull off, while offsetting this increased difficulty with an E that can now enable her to stay in the fight and survive longer, as well as allowing players to keep the uninhibited flight they got to enjoy from her rework.


Sounds good to me. Anything but what we have now for Mercy.


Wasn’t pre-invulnerability mass res already considered weak? Why go the extra mile to make it weaker? I’d be okay with a LOS check (so long as it goes through payload) but I don’t think there’s a need for a cast time.


Considering it would still have a bunch of people complaining about it “not being counterable” if it was an instacast, I feel this might be the only way to satisfy them enough to allow for mass rez to return.

However, I would just like to point out that the new E I suggested would allow for easier positioning to pull off the rezz (flying over and around the battlefield during the cast)

After all, it would just be a short cast time the length of her ult voice line. No slow or anything. She’d still be able to move around uninhibited.


this is good but keep the invulnerability

the problem with res without invulnerability is mercy would just die after resing anyway leaving you with a numbers disadvantage and one less healer


This is nothing new that hasn’t been suggested before. Nothing will happen and Mercy will remain where they want her.

I’ve come to acceptance that they want her gone. “Heroes Never Die!” not sure now


I really dont like valk not even as an e-ability but as long as we can significant changes for her I am in.


I have a similar idea here

The only thing i dislike about yours is that she wouldnt need to rely on her team as much and i feel like Valk just removed that from her one of her weaknesses. Also thats a long cooldown.

Because people would keep whining about it. I know it was weak too, but I want her to be fun again, even if that means making mass rez weaker and Mercy being a troll pick again. ^^


At this point, anything is better than current Mercy, that being said I think this is one of the best change ideas yet


Why does the revert crowd always want to nerf mass rez into oblivion? At this point you might as well just ask for a new ultimate. Old mercy struggled enough as it was.

Full self heal wouldnt be that noticeable, dmg reduction would be better imo

Anything would be better than this mess.

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As some others have said, almost anything would be better than the current iteration of Mercy at this point.


I don’t think a revert is the way to go… and even if they did revert her your suggestion is absolutely horrible. Line of sight and cast-time (regardless of how short) is a guaranteed death sentence. You mass-revive because your team is dead. The location of the corpses are in line-of-sight of the enemies. Standing there to rez means the enemy have one target to shoot at; Mercy. A cast-timer, in line-of-sight, when you’re the only target for the enemy fire, means you die.

I disagree with the valkyria, it must be removed. Also because if you return the mass rez the combo valk + mass rez is impossible to counter

It’s all I ever wanted

If the dev update talks about mercy (along with other heroes ofc) like it should considering how much complaints there is about her, I can see something like that happening and I really wish for it.

Don’t get your hopes up people but also don’t give up all of it.

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Make her ult not reverse death, but stop it. For some seconds every ally in range of the cast will be immortal.

Because everyone always disagrees that ”Old Mercy was so OP hide and Rez was horrible and unhealthy blah blah blah”, so if we make it like this, underpowered and all that, then they’ll see just how horrible it is like that and get her buffed into usefulness and fun again.

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