Best husband/wife?

The high tiers are too boring,I need some drama like Doomfist or Genji.

Based on what we know about him from the short story… what rank would you give…

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Probably the same thoughts as roadhog (C) could wildly go up or down

Just depends how he acts/his personality which isn’t really the clearest in comics, and whether or not you like giant hulk bear men

Winston needs more credit here. He is genuine, earnest, smart af, and has a great sense of humor. Monke should be a strength and not a shortcoming.

He is!
He’s my favorite character lore-wise actually. But just not a choice for husband. Friend yes tho!

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These two are made for eachother.

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My personal first choice would be Symmetra.

She’s beautiful, intelligent, organized, strong, and remarkably talented. On the outside she appears cold, strict, and emotionally distant, but the short story Stone By Stone reveals a much more warm, tender, emotional, and relatable side of her personality. She’s not as approachable as Brigitte or Mei, but she seems like a woman with the potential to be a wonderful wife.


i think getting a life and not making a tier list for virtual characters about which one is husband or wife material is a good one

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A+ Tier. Orisa, has mini doge.

Holy moly your post history :mask:
How are you still allowed to post


She doesn’t have PTSD. If she did she’d be freaking out when someon puts ice cubes in their tea. She should be running around in Hawaiian shirts and blasting a flamethrower, instead she’s killing everyone with the same thing that killed her whole squad. Used that to get out, sure, but as soon as she reached civilization she should’ve dumped it in the trash. This isn’t PTSD, this is being a psycho.

The one and only

How do I report someone for bad taste?


Dang it. How dare you not put the payload in the list? That magnificent being heals you if you hang out with it ;-;
Literal emotional (and physical) support

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There’s so many different payloads though, one per map…
dang am I gonna do a payload tier list now? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


King’s Row’s is the best. It actually provides good cover, it heals you and you can have enough space on top of it, not to mention it’s the cousin of Thomas the tank engine.

But yeah, Baptiste all the way!

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Glad to see another junkrat enjoyer!


Yes! Payload tierlist LES GOOO

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was going through the list again and i notice you dont have sojourn up there

too little info at this early time?

If Sombra knows your search history and still stays with you I guess that’s something. Like googling the Knight Rider theme at 3am.

I’d also rate Ashe higher because while she’s rich she still decides to work. Also she has a point about Lucio bringing stakes to a gun fight is quite silly.