Best husband/wife?

Mercy, Sombra and Phara :heart_eyes:


Brig all the way :sparkling_heart:. I have to agree with every single character in your list. You had a lot of time and it really created something unique. I am proud of forumers like you :+1:


That’s they way these lists should look alright.

I mean in reality I can already see the ‘Reaper did nothing wrong’ and ‘Reaper Daddy, Say Less’ posts dominating the internet after a SINGLE photo of him in full reaper outfit and an apron trying to bake cookies is photoshopped and leaked by sombra as a joke.

After that the lists become meaningless

Woops! I forgot to add reaper to the list, thanks :grin:

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Mercy, Phara and Sombra, are the best :kiss: , Widow is sexy, but she is completely cold of character.


I agree with everything you said about this tier

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Who hurt you as a child?

What are you complaining about? At least you’re dating.

she kinda ugly tbh.

  • Pass

Oh believe me, I am not complaining :slight_smile:

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Wait what?!
Doesnt matter though, i like Orisa

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100000% Brig I like redheads, baking, own 3 cats, and long for a powerful lady who could crumple me into a ball and throw me away like a napkin


Moira and Reaper

but they marry each other and not me :sunglasses:

I’ve been meaning to ask you, how do you feel about their new interactions in OW2? Because they sound kinda… Hate filled lmao and I was like “oh damn what does Moira think of this”

Moira says to him in Overwatch 2

“It seems I’ve made a habit of saving your life, Gabriel”

and she is 100% smiling when she says it so I think Reaper is just being Overdramatic again when he says that stuff to her. Or Maybe he’s gotten to the point where he’s sick of everything as he and her have tried for more than a decade to try fix him.

I think if they really had a dislike to each other she would have been extremely sarcastic towards him when she brought up how she makes a habit of saving his life

(oh if anyone is wondering how to hear that line, you have to kill someone who is fighting Reaper lol)

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Okay that one I hadn’t even heard, I like that a lot.

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I love it too, I was surprised to hear her say something like that if I’m honest lol.

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What!! Junkrat may have some flaws but the bloke is trying to get some help! He has a great sense of humour and should there be a special event, he will make it exciting with bon fires and plenty of fireworks!!…He’ll also blow up anyone who’s ruined your day. On top of that…A lovely Aussie accent? A girl like me is happy! 8D I adore Junkrat’s wild personality!

Oh, there’s also Genji…He’s sane and adorable but I’m afraid he is second place…


I would marry Brigitte on the spot.


yea your right about mercy. was thinking S tier but she is always busy since so important in the field of medical research. probably never get to see her

Rosen is that you? Lol, I’ve only known a very tiny handful of Junk-lovers but yall are always so cool

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