Best Ana buff ideas?

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Thank you!

Considering buffs we should give her a niche, so I’d say
sleep dart -2s CD and nano boost +2s duration.

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Wall climb. I don’t care if it’s a cooldown ability or whatever like Hanzo’s new jump.

Her biggest issues is that you just can’t play her at her ideal range. There’s no way to get into position to heal from a vantage point and make use of the ranged healing (unless you want to spend half the game walking around the map), and when you do get there, you’re so vulnerable to being singled out.

This solves both problems at once.

I don’t think number tweaks are what she needs. There’s a fundamental hole in her design, and that is that she’s a sniper that can’t play at long range…


Shots penetrate through full health allies.

Cyan’s cooldown changes

Some kind of passive health regen.


Movement ability - Grav Jump.

You activate this ability by attempting to double jump. Ana activates a prototype antigrav unit hidden under her clothing to leap about 15-20 ft in the air. This jump is a little smoother and steadier than a regular jump and can also propel you forward, backwards, or sideways somewhat (min 60 degree inclination).

This allows Ana some better mobility by allowing her to reach some sniper nests and can also be used to escape some flankers (not great, though). Operating the device occupies Ana’s left hand so she can’t use her rifle or sleep dart in the air, but can throw grenades.

It’s on a 8 or 10 second cooldown.

You could even tie it into the lore by saying she got her codename (Shrike) when she escaped pursuers by suddenly and unexpectedly leaping far into the air, like a bird taking flight.


I can’t really be bothered to re-write them all, so I’ll just put the link to the thread here:

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I bet my a$$ that if they implemented any form of mobility for Ana on PTR they would just apply the generic Widow rope and it would look absolutely atrocious and awful.

  • Converting 50 hp to shields.
  • Reworking Ana’s heals so they have a lasting heal over time after the initial heal. Maybe something like… a 50 hp heal followed by another 50 hp over 8 seconds… Just throwing wild numbers out here.
  • Giving her sprint on a resource meter.
  • Reworking Biotic grenade into a heal over time.
  • Wallclimb.
  • Letting her shoot through fully healed allies.

Any of the aforementioned ideas would help, really.
Not all at once obviously.


I mainly want more bullets per mag painful when you watch a team mate die simply because your healing was too low that you couldn’t keep them alive simply because you had to reload but I guess a healing buff could work too

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You know…I’d take it. It could even be Widow’s old cool down time too.

I’d like:

  • More ammo/faster reload animation (including her reload thing per shot)
  • that jump, grab jump mentioned above sounds great
  • Cyan’s changes
  • self heal (something like every shot healed/damaged could heal her 15-20 HP)
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  1. Replace 50 health with shields
  2. Give her a limited wall climb/grappling hook
  3. Let her shoot/throw grenade through full health allies within 5 meters
  4. Bigger clip/faster reload

-More ammo, or no reload mechanic altogether. She spends far too much time reloading.
-A way to self-heal. I’d love to see her be able to inject herself with a healing dart, as a reload ability.
-Faster healing rate (not output). Her darts heal targets for 75 HP over about 0.8 seconds, which is much too slow to actually save somebody any better than Mercy or Moira. Making her shots heal closer to instant, or maybe have a portion of the healing be instant, would make her more effective at burst healing and saving low-health squishy allies.

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Well since I’ll never attain trust level 3, I guess I won’t be remaking the thread from the old forum, either way I’ll post my idea here for people to be able to see


Here’s a clickable one

ty! it’s basically a vertical mobility idea!

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This is a pretty good idea.

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That’s actually amazing

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Clever idea. I’d love to see that in game

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Biotic grenade now travels 15% slower, and if shot by an enemy, it will be destroyed. The effects also last a little bit shorter.
However, if Ana shoots it mid-air, the contents will be spread with a greater area of effect.