Berf ideas for Junkrat

So you guys hate spam right? I do too, yet I love Junkrat, and I wish for him to have a playstyle based on him landing grenades on enemies and having spam as a situational capability. So… here goes nothing.

  • Frag Launcher
    • Damage loses 20 damage per bounce (130 -> 110 -> 90)
    • Grenades are 0.3 on direct hit, but lose 0.5 in radius per bounce (0.3 ->0.25 -> 0.2)
    • Rate of fire decreased from 0.65 s -> 0.7 s
    • Ammo increased from 5 to 6
  • Concussion Mine
    • Falloff Damage removed
    • Detonation in the air does 80 flat damage
    • Detonation on surfaces does 120 flat damage
    • Now less likely to stick to surfaces
  • RIP-Tire
    • Increased speed to 13
    • Ultimate cost increased by 5%
    • Camera goes right back to Junk after detonation

Comments: These changes all commit to overall raising his skill floor (by reducing spam) and raising his skill ceiling (more damage opportunities). This will make playing against him less frustrating at lower elos without the high spam damage, and make him more viable at higher elos by increasing his consistency and fluency.


imo i think he just need this

I honestly think he needs faster projectile speed just like baptiste healing grenades so junk doesn’t have to aim to the sky to be able to hit someone 15 meters away.

What does “Now less likely to stick to surfaces” mean?

How does this make him less spammy? You’ve added an additional nade to his clip…

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It doesn’t randomly stick to a random surface easily

And he has a slower rate of fire, less damage on spam nades and smaller size…

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What is the speed now? To much of an increase on this and it could become a problem as one of its counters is the ability to shoot it

It is 12 currently. It was 13 originally, but it got unnecessarily nerfed (a tiny difference)

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No it was originally 10 and it got unnecessarily over-buffed and then slightly tweaked to make it more reasonable.

That should be fine then, the slower fire rate, decreasing damage and size on bounces, and ult charge increase mean it would probably need to be a little better

It was considered by far one of the worst ults, 13 was really the perfect speed

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When it was 13 many people complained it was far too fast. Even one of the pros (I want to say danteh, but maybe im misremembering) even said that he had a hard time dealing with the speed.

Yet, in no time those players quickly adjusted and were 1 shotting just as easily as they were prebuff.

It wasn’t to fast by any means.

It’s because he got nerfed. Junkrat was basically a meta pick in the pro scene and then he got nerfed so he fell out of favor.

This seems like a flat nerf with very little compensation buffs…

You nerf his entire primary…nerf his shift (most of the times its used in air) and his ult too…

Its a nope for me…

Also13 speed was waaaay too much; it literally was capable of flying before it was nerfed

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On paper it may seem that way, but people greatly underestimated how powerful 0.3 size was on him. Add on the fact that he gets an extra nade, and no falloff damage on mine. It’s 10x easier to mine-nade combo someone now, and the tire will go faster.

No, that was separate. They fixed it through “bug fix”.

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Yeah maybe but they just seem like useless changes

We can all agree that he needs the projectile size bc his nades ghost through hitboxes

But the others seen like…not necesary?

His mine is ok, really, best part of his kit probably

Does he need a 6th.nade, tho?

Is it worth to do these many trade offs, to add buffs that he…doesnt really need?

Plus nerfing his ability to bounce grenades kills his identity…

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It is his best ability, but the falloff damage makes it inconsistent af

It would be to compensate for a slow rate of fire. And the point of nerfing that is to read spam easier. However, he will actually dish out more grenades in a fight than before.

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People that complain about Junk’s low skill floor in fact have low skill themselves if they can’t dodge slow moving grenades. Also Junk if one of the loudest heroes so you should always know where he is.


It’s pretty telling when a player can balance a hero and remove almost all of his occasional nature, spammy playstyle and how unfun he is to play against better than the actual developers…