Behold the evolution of the Brig hate

We’ve gone from “she’s oppressive” to “she can peek around corners with third-person view.”

We called it. They’re on a damn crusade. They’re never gonna stop. Blizzard, if by some chance you read this… just… don’t pay any attention to these guys anymore.
Just don’t.


I only saw one post about peeking corners and the changes just happened today wait a week and repost at most a month


they will not stop until she has a pickrate below 1 percent.


People have been saying this as a subsect of shes oppressive. People say that shes oppressive and this is one of the reasons why. They are correct, her corner peeking is very good and probably unnecessary.

Just a tip. Try to address why they are wrong instead of trying to discredit their arguement for some god forsaken reason. It sounds much more credible.


Should be self explanatory how that’s helpful in a first person shooter. Either way shes probably okay now anyways.


The forums will complain about anything, so stop feeling like your favourite hero is being personally attacked.

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I fine with her unless increased ult gain = increased armor everywhere = Widow and Hanzo in every… single… game…

As long as that doesn’t happen, we cool Brig, we cool lol

Ain’t nobody cared that Reinhardt can do it. Nah, nah, it’s Brigitte that’s the problem. Because she’s much smaller, you see. I know where ya’ll’re gonna go with it.

If you want to get rid of Brigitte’s third-person so badly, then I demand you get rid of everyone’s. Just to be fair, of course. No more for Reinhardt, no more for RIP-tires, no more for Doomfist’s Meteor Strike. Can’t have the camera ever panning out.

If you’re gonna do it, why just stop at one?

My favourite hero is Reinhardt, you prat.


Exactly this. I’ve only seen one post about this particular issue OP is bringing up. Quote on quote “crusade” caused by one guy who’s complaining about one part of Brig’s kit.

Doesn’t change my point from being correct, and neither does your insult.

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I mean it doesn’t make a difference really, she’s already trash tier. Nerfing her more is not gonna change a thing.


No that’s too high for them apparently she needs to be replaced with a torb turret :roll_eyes:


her armor pack is still op, her ult is still op. Her sustain is still op.


In that thread made by the Djawida dude?

He’s a salty sailor in everything that comes to Brig. He doesn’t represent the forums at all.


Now i’ve seen it all.


Honestly I’m startin’ to think that they’re just trying to see what they can get away with. They feel like they have some power over the game after wanting Brigitte to stop being an effective deterrent for the flankers and dive. They’re just riding that high.

It’s sad, really.


Giving you entire team 100 armor that lasts until it is destroyed is absolutely OP. What other ult affects 2 or even 3 team fights?

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Throw in Doomfist as well. There’s a ton of people who’d love DF be deleted from the game.

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I wouldn’t say her ultimate is overpowered, but it is high reward + low risk, knowing that the armor doesn’t decay.

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I mean sure, they can get anything they want in the game so long as they can get Seagull to moan about it.