Before making threads against 222 role que

Oh boy.

Yah, until you get a Mei main and a Junkrat main that are terrible at hitscan when the enemy team has a Pharah.

“imo” is correct.

These are just your opinions, I highly doubt RoleQ will “fix” that much in this game, the only thing it will guarantee is that it will simply force you into a 2-2-2 comp, that’s it.

You’ll still have leavers, throwers, trolls, people that don’t switch, can’t aim and so on. Stop thinking this will make the game perfect.

Tbh both sides are exaggerating.

However, personally for me, long queue times seals it.

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This isn’t a big concern, but I’m worried it will make trying to improve as a DPS harder.

Currently if I’m trying to get good at Ashe and it isn’t really working, I can swap to Reinhardt past a certain point. But with 2-2-2 I’d be taking up a coveted DPS slot, and have less flexibility in swapping.

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I mean wouldn’t role lock make one tricking easier?

Throwing in spawn will become less frequent in 2-2-2 though. People that throw in spawn with 2-2-2 will also throw without 2-2-2, but some people who throw without 2-2-2 might not throw with 2-2-2.

Once again, this will not be as bad with 2-2-2 as it is without it. You are guaranteed to have a fairly well rounded comp. Will you always get comps that have great synergy? No, but let’s face it: even when you do get comps like that, it’s pretty rare for the team to actually capitalize on that synergy.

Yeah. What else is new?

This is a fact.

It decreases chances of completely ruining a comp based on 1 or 2 questional picks due to added structure.

Play dva, winston, orisa, zen, ana, baptiste and try your hardest to zone the pharah whilst doing your job as a tank/healer.

If u cant win that game and it upsets u then maybe que as DPS

Well, its kinda common sense.

Theres always gonna be higher chance of teamwork when u run with 2 tanks/healers compared to 4-5 dps comps, especially in solo q with lack of coms

Absolutely no1 claims it will make the game perfect.

It will be a much better competitive experience though :grin:

Wow, I didn’t play overwatch for a month. I was excited about role que because a friend told me about it. I played a few games last night… and am now playing tonight. It took me 10 minutes to find a game and a player canceled so the match ended immediatley… so I currently started another one and know that I have the time to complain about how long it takes to find another one. Regardless of getting bad comps, at least we got to play. It sucks to have a full time job and then try to play a video game and you waste 20 minutes of my time.

You know why this game put Team Fortress 2, into a slump? Because Blizzard did it better.

After 2-2-2. There is an influx of players over there again. I see a connection.